Instructor Led Training

Cognition Knowledge Base

Instructor Led Training

The Instructor Led Training (ILT) module type allows you to manage and track in-person and virtual training sessions.  You can schedule training sessions, maintain a roster or waitlist, track attendance, ensure that students view and/or accept documents.  You can run a Location Attendance Report to review attendance to ILT sessions.

Maintaining sessions and other ILT functions are documented more extensively in sections of the Knowledge Base listed below:

Instructor Led Training Specific Settings

Instructor Led Training specific settings are set during the fourth step of module creation, or at anytime after creation by clicking on the Instructor Led Training Settings tab when editing the Learning Module.

  • Min/Max Students - You must set minimum and maximum students per session.

  • Prep Time/Tear Down Time - You can optionally add estimated prep and tear down times for the instructor.

  • Require Instructor Digital Acknowledgement - Check to require instructors to digitally sign an acknowledgement when submitting attendance.  This message can be set and changed under the Learning Module Tab in System Settings.

  • Required Documents - You can add required Documents that users must view and acknowledge when signing into a session.  If your module has any required Documents, users can only be granted an 'Attended' status if they sign in and acknowledge via the Digital Sign-in Sheet.

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