Uploading Content to Cognition via FTP

Cognition Knowledge Base

Uploading Content to Cognition via FTP

To start, you will need to connect to the content server. We recommend downloading a free program called Filezilla Client, found here:  https://filezilla-project.org/

This program will allow you to access the folders where your content is stored.

Uploading to the Server

To access the server, you will need three pieces of information from your Cognition Customer Solution Specialist:

  1. Host

  2. Username

  3. Password

At the top left of the Filezilla window, enter your credentials into their corresponding fields (see below), then click Quickconnect.  If you have any issues accessing your content server using your given credentials, please contact your Cognition Customer Solution Specialist for assistance.

The Filezilla window is split in half - on the left half of the screen, you can navigate through your files and folders on your computer and select which to upload.

On the right half, you can navigate through the files on the content server and decide where you want to place the content you’re about to upload. When you initially log in, you’ll notice that there are two folders on your content server: /production and /staging. If you mean to upload and run the content you’re adding on your production site, be sure to add it to a folder within the /production folder - and the reverse is true of course if you’re testing content on your staging site.

Once you decide where you want to upload your files, simply drag and drop the file or folder from your files on the left side into the list of folders on the right side. This will not remove the file from your computer, it is simply creating a copy of the file on your computer and placing it on the server.

Linking to the Content in Cognition

Once you have successfully uploaded your file(s) to the FTP server, you need to link to that content from Cognition, meaning that you need to tell Cognition where on the server to find your content.  Video and eLearning modules both use a similar interface to link to content.

You will find the Launch setting that you will need to set on step 4 of 5 of module creation, or when editing a module, on the Video/eLearning Settings tab.

For eLearning, make sure you are selecting the correct launch type (SCORM or AICC).  For Video modules click Add Video chapter.

Complete the following steps to successfully link content from Filezilla:

  • Select Build from root and then select the Content root URL, if there is one.

    • Once you’ve selected Build from root and selected Content, a URL should appear below the dropdown box. This is the Root URL.

    • The root URL is a sort of “shortcut” - it replaces the /production folder in your URL, so you only have to type the remaining file path to your content and not the entire URL that points to that folder in addition to the file path.

  • Next, type in the remainder of the file path that leads to your content on the server. You can also copy/paste this path from the top bar on the right side of the Filezilla window. Just be sure to not include the /production portion of the URL. Finish the content URL by typing in or copy/pasting the name of the launch file. For video files, the launch file is just the name of the video file itself.

After doing this, click Verify Launch URL to check that you have pointed to an existing file.

If you get a red error message, double check your URL to make sure it doesn't have any typos.

Finding the launch file for eLearning content packages

  • Most of the time, the launch file is a .htm or .html file with “index” in the file name, such as index.htm, index_lms.html, or indexAPI.html.

  • For SCORM packages, there is usually a file named imsmanifest.xml. You can open this text file and search for ".htm" to find the launch file name.

  • For AICC, there is often a file named "aicc.au". You can open this text file and search for ".htm" to find the launch file name.

Test Launching and Tracking

We recommend doing a quick test of the content yourself, to make sure that everything works as expected, especially launching, exiting, and re-launching to make sure it resumes where you left off.

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