Adding Users to a Session Roster

Cognition Knowledge Base

Adding Users to a Session Roster

Table of Contents

To begin, locate the Session you intend to create a Roster on. This can be done by clicking on the 'Learning Management' menu, and then select 'Sessions'.

Session Roster Location

When on the Session homepage, click on the blue 'Roster' header at the top of the screen. 

Adding students to the Roster

On this page, click the 'Add to Roster' button. This will open a pop-up where you can search for students to fill your roster.

Student Registration

Students may also add themselves to the roster from their Development Plan.  Simply Click on 'View Sessions'.

This modal will pop out.  Pick a session and click 'Register' to add yourself to a session.

Digital Sign-in Sheet

Users can also be added to the roster directly by using a Digital Sign-in Sheet.  Simply open a Digital Sign-in, fill in the Employee ID and Password fields at the top of the page, and click the green plus button to add any student to the roster.  Users added this way will not only be added to the roster, but also automatically signed into the session and marked as Attended.  If your session has any required documents or acknowledgements, the student will view/complete them at this time.

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