Instructor Led Training - Submitting Session Attendance

Cognition Knowledge Base

Instructor Led Training - Submitting Session Attendance

Once a sessions time has passed, the status will be moved to 'Pending Closeout'. The instructor will need to click the 'Submit Attendance' button to fully close out a session

As an Instructor

While logged in as an Instructor, go to 'My Teaching Plan' to see if any sessions need to have attendance submitted. 

On this page, go to the 'Roster' tab of the session.

Then, select each attendance 'Status' appropriate for each student. Then Click 'Submit Attendance' to finish.

As an Administrator

Begin by clicking the 'Learning Management' menu and then selecting 'Sessions'. Once in Session Administration, you can search for the session. Once you find the session, click view to edit it and navigate to the Roster tab of the session. 

Then, follow same steps as above.

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