Virtual ILT Sessions

Cognition Knowledge Base

Virtual ILT Sessions

Virtual ILT sessions are easier than ever to manage in Cognition. Starting in Cognition 8.8.5 new improvements to Virtual ILTs make it easier for both administrators creating and managing ILTs with virtual meeting links and for students to join these meetings.

Other Improvements and Changes to ILTs

Administration Updates

ILTs can now use a designated Web Meeting URL that allow for a virtual meeting link to be associated with the session. Students will be able to join the meeting using that link with one click from their Development Plan as well as from any email invitation from that session.


ILT Sessions of any type now have the option to be published more widely using assignment settings instead of location settings. Previously, ILT sessions would show to users based on their location. Two new options in Session Administration allow administrators to additionally publish a session to any user who has the module assigned or to users the module is published for.

For a full guide on how to use these features, see Adding a new Instructor Led Training Session .

Student Experience Updates

Several changes were made to the Development Plan to facilitate virtual ILT sessions and improve the user experience. On the day of a session, a bell icon will appear on the Development Plan to reminder the student about the session. For sessions with an attached Web URL or Zoom meeting, a 'Join' button will appear to allow students to join the meeting directly from their Development Plan.

The Session Widget on the Student Dashboard will now display a banner alerting students when they have assigned ILT modules and have not yet registered for a session.

Email Updates

Email settings for ILTs are set in System Settings on the Email Tab. These settings will determine if Students, Supervisors, and Instructors receive email notifications for ILTs.

Version 8.8.5 includes substantial changes and improvements to email notifications for ILT sessions. Emails to Students and Instructors now include fully functional meeting invitations. The meeting invitations will allow Session Administrators to create and update calendar events for most major email clients.

Email invites are sent to students and instructors when they are added to a session, removed from a session, certain changes to the session are made (e.g. Location or start time), or when a session is cancelled.

Supervisors also receive email notifications (but not full invites) whenever one of their direct reports is sent an invite or update. If a Zoom meeting is associated with the session, the full Zoom invite is included with all emails.

All meeting invites sent by the LMS have a 15 minute reminder by default. Once a user has accepted the invite, they can modify this on their calendar.

If a user does not have an email in the system, they can send themselves an invite from the Development plan by clicking on the button in the screenshot. The user will be prompted to enter an email address for the invite.
NOTE: Users will only receive one invite email by using this feature. They will not receive meeting updates or cancellations.

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