Copying an Instructor Led Training Session

Cognition Knowledge Base

Copying an Instructor Led Training Session

 To begin, click on the 'Learning' menu and select ' ILT Sessions'. Then, Search for the Session you would like to copy. 

Once you have found the Session you would like to copy, click the 'Copy' link underneath the 'Options' header. 


Another way that you can copy a Session is found when you are on the session homepage, and click the 'More Options' button. 'Copy Session' will be one of the dropdown options.


After clicking 'Copy Session', you will be taken to the first step of the Session Wizard. The settings from the session you copied will be pre-filled there as well as on the second page of the Wizard.


You can then publish the session by hitting the green 'Finish' button at the bottom of the screen on Step 2.


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