
Cognition Knowledge Base


Compliance modules allow you to assign learners documents and record digital signatures on those documents.  You can also use dynamic documents with data fields that can automatically populate with the user's information, such as Name. You can read more about the types of documents supported and how to upload them in Documents.

A copy of the exact document that the employee signs (potentially including their digital signature) is automatically saved so that it can be reviewed by the student or an administrator at a later date in the user’s document archive.  If you update the module with a different version of a document, the version the user signed will be preserved in their history.


Table of Contents

Compliance Specific Settings

Compliance specific settings are set during the fourth step of module creation, or at anytime by clicking on the Compliance Settings tab.

Allow Refusals

When a student launches the document and enters in their digital signature, they are signing off and “acknowledging” the contents of the module. The “Allow Refusals” checkbox is a setting that allows for a “refusal” to acknowledge the contents of the module. This will mark the module as completed just as an acknowledgement would.

Email Recipients

If you enable the “Allow Refusals” checkbox, you have the option to enter in any email addresses that you wish to notify in the case that a student does refuse a document.


Adding Documents

The main function of Compliance modules is to deliver documents.  Click Add Compliance Link to add a document.  A modal will appear where you can search for and select a document that has been uploaded to Cognition, or you can link to a document on the server or an external webpage using a URL.

Compliance Link

  • URL - Here you can either fill in a standard link pointing to another site, such as your intranet, or you can build a link using content you previously uploaded to your file server (FileZilla). If you build a link, click Verify Launch URL to confirm it points to an accessible file.

Note: Verifying the Launch URL does not ensure that the file type is correct or that the file itself is not corrupted or otherwise unusable.

  • Document - Here you can search for and select a document that has previously been uploaded directly into Cognition.

Now to add a Document to a Compliance Module, click on the Document radio button, then click Select.  The modal below will pop out.  You then search for the desired document.  When you've found it, click select.

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