Cognition Knowledge Base
Instructor Led Training - Session Settings
When managing Instructor Led Training (ILT) sessions, there are many settings that control session behavior.
These settings can be found at the bottom of the Information Tab of the session's homepage.
Zoom Meeting Settings
The following settings will only appear if you choose a Zoom Web Meeting for your session.
Security - Here you can set restrictions such as a Passcode that users will need to join the meeting if they do not have the invite link, and you can set up a Waiting Room so that the host has the choice of admitting users one by one to the meeting.
Participants - Here you can choose whether participants can join the meeting at any time, be muted at entry, and whether the meeting will be recorded.
Session Settings
Minimum Capacity - The suggested minimum number of students on the roster for the session to proceed. Falling under this minimum will display a warning and the Instructor has discretion to continue it or cancel the session.
Maximum Capacity - A maximum number of students for the session roster, based on the training and the location. The instructor can override this later if needed.
Publish Session - This setting must be checked in order for students to see this session when searching. It can always be published at a later date.
Who Can See This Session - Here you may decide which students can see the session based on their location, assignment status , or catalog contents.
Open Registration - Checking this will allow students to add themselves to session rosters right from their Development Plan. If you don't want students to be able to register themselves, uncheck this box. If the session is published they will still be able to see the session, but they will have to contact the instructor or their supervisor to join the session.
Use Waitlisting - Allows students to join a waitlist if the session roster is full. The instructor can then move students from the waitlist to the roster if there is space.
Send Automatic Emails - When this box is checked, emails are automatically sent to students with an email address when:
They are added to the roster.
The session location or time is changed.
They are removed from the roster.
Send Reminder Email - When this box is checked, emails are automatically sent to students with an email address to remind them of the session coming up, and you can decide how many days in advance.
Other Session Settings
Instructions - These additional instructions show to the student. This may be useful for specific instructions on how to navigate the building, find the meeting room, etc.
Meetings Notes - This text shows for the student when viewing a session through their Development Plan, History, or Calendar. Notes will also be part of most emails being sent out regarding the session. Note that for Zoom meetings, the Zoom invite is automatically generated and will appear at the end of the meeting notes section.
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