
Cognition Knowledge Base


Prerequisites can be used to ensure your users take training in the proper order by requiring students to complete certain modules before beginning others. Each module can have one or more prerequisites.

Setting prerequisites for a Learning Module

Search and edit the Learning Module that needs prerequisites set. Under the More tab, go to Prerequisites.

Either quickly search for and add Learning Modules in the Quick Add field or click Advanced Search to search with more filters and/or add multiple modules at once.

Advanced search

In the pop-up, you can search by keyword, or click Advanced at the top to filter by Learning Module Type. Click to check the box for each module you would like to add. When all of your desired modules have been checked, click Use Selected Items at the bottom right.

List of prerequisites

Once you’ve added a prerequisite, you’ll see it displayed in the list.

Student View with Prerequisites

If a student has outstanding prerequisites for a module, they won’t be able to start the module. Instead, they’ll see instructions about completing the prerequisites first.

If they click the View Prerequisites button, they will see a list of the prerequisites and which ones have not yet been completed. They can click to view the assignment for each module.

Rules for Enforcing Prerequisites

For a prerequisite requirement to be enforced, the following must be true:

  • The assignment must be required with a due date.

  • The prerequisite module must also be assigned and required with a due date.

Other exceptions

A few other cases where prerequisite requirements are not enforced:

  • The assignment is a retake.

  • The user has already started the training for the assignment.

  • The user has completed the prerequisite module in the past.

  • Instructor Led Training modules will always allow users to register for sessions, regardless of prerequisites.

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