Cognition Knowledge Base
Test Only
Test Only modules only have multiple choice questions associated with them and no other content. There are three types of test behaviors: test, pre-assessment, and survey. You can also run a Test Question Analysis Report to see which questions are most commonly missed and what users thought the correct answers were.
A set of questions has to be created and grouped into a Test before a Test Only module can be created. That process along with Reports available for Test modules is detailed more extensively in the sections listed below:
Test Only Module Settings
Test Settings are set during the fourth step of module creation, or at any time by clicking on the Test tab.
Test Directions are instructions that will show to the student upon launching the Test. There is default language set, but you are able to customize it.
Passing Score is strictly set at the Test level.
Test Behavior lets you switch between Test, Pre-assessment, and Survey behavior.
Test behavior will only grant a completion if the passing score is achieved.
Pre-assessment does not show a score to the user, and does not have a pass/fail requirement. Users can select an ‘I Don't Know' option as an answer to questions. The user’s actual score is tracked and can be reviewed in reports.
Survey is also unscored for the user. It is meant to collect and track responses from your users, so that you can review the data later, especially in the Test Question Analysis Report.
Allow Test Out and Allow Test Out for Retakes controls whether users can take tests to skip going through the main content.
Failed Attempts Before Forcing Content lets you set how many tries a user has to test out before being forced to go through the main content. If this is set to 0, a user has unlimited attempts.
Only Allow One Attempt Per Day limits a user to only take the test once a day until they pass.
Failed Attempts Before Lockout controls how many times a user can fail a test before they are locked out and must contact a supervisor to release the lockout. If this is set to 0, the setting is disabled.
Lockout Auto Release Days controls how long before the lockout is automatically released. If this is set to 0, a supervisor must manually reverse the lockout.
Attempts Granted with Max Attempt Lockout Reset lets you set a different number of attempts after a lockout reset.
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