On the Job Training

Cognition Knowledge Base

On the Job Training

Some of the settings and features noted are only included in Cognition version 9.1.0 and later.

Student view of an OJT form

This module type allows submission forms to be constructed that include many question types including Checkboxes, Short/Free Form questions, Likert Scales, and Document uploads. When the student has submitted their responses to the module's questions, they can be reviewed by a Supervisor, Instructor, or other user. The reviewer can be required to submit feedback and has the option to pass the user or return their submissions to them for additional work. A user only receives credit for the module when their submission is approved.

On the Job Training modules function the same as Self Study modules. The intent of Self Study modules is if you require an individual to have a more self directed approach to their learning, or reflect on their experience. Other than that, On the Job Training modules and Self Study modules function the same way.

Table of Contents

OJT simple workflow

On the Job Training Settings tab

OJT specific settings are set during step 4 of module creation, or at any time by clicking on the On the Job Training Settings tab.

Submission Behavior

Setting Name


Setting Name


Submissions are reviewed by


  • Reviewers must have the Instructor role

  • Reviewers must have module on their teaching plan

  • Reviewers must be scoped for the student's location


  • Submissions are reviewed by the student’s Supervisor (set in the Information tab of a student’s User Administration).

Position Users

  • Reviewers must have a role that can review submissions

  • Reviewers must be scoped for the student's location

  • Reviewer's role must not have any scope limits that prevent them from viewing the student

No Reviewer

  • Submissions are not reviewed and are marked complete upon submission.

Allow student to select reviewer

This option is only available for OJTs configured for submissions to be reviewed by Instructors or Position Users.


  • The student’s submission will be sent to the group of available reviewers


  • The student will have the option to select which of all available reviews they would like to review their submission or they can submit to the group of available reviewers.


  • The student must select one of all available reviews they would like to review their submission

Show Print Button

When enabled, the user is able to print the submission form

Custom Reviewer Instructions

Text configured here will appear just above the reviewer options when a reviewer views a submission.


Field Name


Field Name


Auto Approve

When enabled, open submissions will be automatically approved after the specified number of days.

Require Reviewer comments on approval

When enabled, the Reviewer must comment on the student’s submission upon approving it.

Use predetermined responses for reviewer comments on approval

When enabled, Reviewers may use Predetermined Responses to comment on a student’s submission they are approving. Predetermined Responses are configured in the Learning Module tab of System Settings.


Field Name


Field Name


Reviewer options when declining a submission

Return to Student

  • Upon a reviewer declining a student’s submission, the student’s assignment will be returned to them for re-submission and will remain open.

Decline and close assignment

  • Upon a reviewer declining a student’s submission, the student’s assignment will be closed. The Student can then review the submission in their History.

Show both of these options

  • Upon a reviewer declining a student’s submission, the reviewer is given the option to either return the form to the student for re-submission or close the student’s assignment.

Require Reviewer comments on declination

When enabled, the Reviewer must comment on the student’s submission upon declining it. This is usually to state why the submission was declined.

Use predetermined responses for reviewer comments on declination

When enabled, Reviewers may use Predetermined Responses to comment on a student’s submission they are declining. Predetermined Responses are configured in the Learning Module tab of System Settings.

Student Acknowledgement

Field Name


Field Name


Require student digital acknowledgement

If this OJT contains a Dynamic Document with a Student Digital Signature field, then you must set this option to On Submission or Both.


  • The student is not required to enter their digital signature (Login ID + Password) to acknowledge at any point in the workflow.

On Approval

  • The student is required to enter their digital signature (Login ID + Password) to acknowledge after their submission has been approved. This is a good way to ensure the student sees the reviewer’s feedback.

On Submission

  • The student is required to enter their digital signature (Login ID + Password) to acknowledge in order to submit.


  • The student is required to enter their digital signature (Login ID + Password) to acknowledge in order to submit AND after their submission has been approved.

Reviewer Acknowledgement

Field Name


Field Name


Require reviewer digital acknowledgement

When enabled, the reviewer must enter their digital signature (Login ID + Password) to acknowledge when they approve a student's submission.

Student Submission Questions

This is where the main submission form is created. You can add questions of the following types: 

Question Type


Option to make required for student

Question Type


Option to make required for student


A single checkbox that the user may leave empty, or mark it by clicking the box.


Likert Scale

Questions the user answers on a scale. Scales include common survey scales such as how much they Agree/Disagree on a statement, if they find the statement True/False, or if something occurs Always/Sometimes/Never.


Short Answer

A small text box displays to the user. They may enter their response to the question in the text box. Designed for brief responses. If you require a user to enter more than a sentence, then consider using the Free Form Question type.


Free Form Question

A large, size adjustable, text box displays to the user. They may enter their response to the question in the text box. Designed for longer, more in depth responses.



This allows the creator of this module to insert styled text to display to the user. This is useful for providing instructions and context to the student.



Insert a document/link for the user to view. The 2 options to select a file are Document and URL.

  • Document: Allows to select from files already recognized / configured by Cognition. There are 4 different types which are Static, Dynamic, Input, and External Documents.
    If you plan to use a Dynamic Document with a Student Digital Signature, make sure you have Require Student Digital Acknowledgement set to On Submission or Both to acquire the student’s signature.

  • URL: Point to a file directly through a web address or from one of your root directories.

Always required for students.

Includes option to make required for reviewers.

Each question includes an option to require feedback from the reviewer.

Reviewer Questions

This is where you can create a form for the reviewer to complete when they review the submission. You can add questions of the following types:

Question Type


Question Type



A single checkbox that the user may leave empty, or mark it by clicking the box.

Likert Scale

Questions the user answers on a scale. Scales include common survey scales such as how much they Agree/Disagree on a statement, if they find the statement True/False, or if something occurs Always/Sometimes/Never.

Short Answer

A small text box displays to the user. They may enter their response to the question in the text box. Designed for brief responses. If you require a user to enter more than a sentence, then consider using the Free Form Question type.

Free Form Question

A large, size adjustable, text box displays to the user. They may enter their response to the question in the text box. Designed for longer, more in depth responses.


This allows the creator of this module to insert styled text to display to the user. This is useful for providing instructions and context to the user.

Each question (besides Label/Paragraph types) includes an option to require the reviewer to complete.

Submission clean-up

Submissions with no eligible reviewer and submissions no longer attached to an active curriculum assignment will be cleaned up by a nightly process to ensure that no submissions are stuck and unable to be reviewed.

Submission Report

You can run a Submission Report on any On the Job Training (or Self Study) module to see user responses.


Got feedback? Have a question? Let us know!

Some Cognition features may require additional licensing. If your organization is interested in a feature seen here, please contact Reflection Software for more information.