On the Job Training - Reviewer Saved Drafts

Cognition Knowledge Base

On the Job Training - Reviewer Saved Drafts

OJT modules allow reviewers to save their review responses as drafts. Review responses can be set as either Private or Shared.

  • Private: Saved drafts can only be seen by the reviewer who entered the responses. When the submission is re-assigned, the saved draft is discarded and the new reviewer starts from scratch.

  • Shared: A reviewer’s saved draft may be seen by administrators and other reviewers with access to the submission. If the submission is re-assigned, the saved draft may be passed on to next reviewer.


While a review is in progress, only a single reviewer can save a draft. A reviewer can only save a draft for a submission that is assigned to them.

Saving a draft as a reviewer

If the submission is assigned to the reviewer, the reviewer can enter responses, make selections, save their draft and submit the review.


The form will indicate whether the saved draft is shared or private, as well as the time and date that the form was last saved or auto-saved. The reviewer can also discard this draft. Discarding the draft will reset all the reviewer fields.

Reviewing a submission assigned to another reviewer with shared drafts

If the module draft settings are Shared, the form will be locked and the current reviewer’s draft responses will be shown. If the draft settings are Private, the form will be locked but the draft will be hidden. A message will show which reviewer the submission is currently assigned to.


Reassigning a submission with shared drafts

A reviewer can reassign a submission to themselves, to another reviewer, or open submissions to the group. If a module is set to Shared drafts, the current draft can be passed on to the next reviewer. If the draft is Private, it will be discarded.

Note: when a shared draft is passed on to another reviewer, it does not retain the original reviewer’s ownership. The draft is reassigned to the new reviewer. All shared draft comments will be marked as being from the last reviewer/contributor.

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