OJT/SS Decline submission and close assignment

Cognition Knowledge Base

OJT/SS Decline submission and close assignment

This feature is only included in Cognition version 9.1.0 and later.

In OJT administration and Self Study administration there is a setting for “Reviewer options when declining a submission” with 3 options:

  • Return to student for re-submission

  • Decline and close assignment

  • Show both of these options

With “Decline and close assignment,” the assignment will be closed once the reviewer declines the submission. The student can then review the response in their history.

A use case for enabling the Decline and close assignment option is when an OJT is used for the purpose of seeing if a student is eligible to switch career paths. If the student is not deemed to be eligible and does not need to attempt a re-submission, their submission can be declined and closed so that it will be distinguished from approved submissions on reports.

When either of the last two options are selected, a “Closed Status” drop-down appears with the following options:

Closed Status


Closed Status


Manually Completed

The assignment is closed with credit given, but marked as a manual completion. A customizable reason is also stored with the manual completion for historical purposes.


The assignment is closed without credit. It will count on reports as incomplete. A customizable reason is also stored with the incomplete status for historical purposes.


The assignment is closed as a normal completion with credit given.

The Closed Status and Closed status reason is set at the module level and cannot be configured by a reviewer.

Selecting Decline and Close while a module is designated to use Incomplete will hide the setting of submission test scores from the reviewer and later viewing from an ALMSR report.

With the Manually Completed and Incomplete options, a reason for closing the submission is required. This text field defaults to:

This assignment was closed when the submission was declined by the reviewer.

Submission View of a submission that has been Declined and Closed

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