OJT/SS Submission auto-approval process

Cognition Knowledge Base

OJT/SS Submission auto-approval process

This feature is only included in Cognition version 9.1.0 and later.

Every OJT and Self Study can be configured to auto-approve open submissions after a specified number of days.

Any submissions for Learning Modules with auto-approve enabled will be automatically approved after the specified number of days from the time of submission unless the submission has already been approved manually.

You can find this setting in the On the Job Training Settings tab or Self Study Settings tab of Learning Module Administration under Approvals.

One use of auto-approval is to cleanup submissions have not been reviewed after a set period of time and just need to be cleaned up. In this case, you could set the module to auto-approve after 60 or 90 days (etc).

You may want to use auto-approval in cases such as when you are onboarding new hires and you do not want a student to begin the next day’s training before that day begins. In this case, you can set the OJT as a pre-requisite to all of the next day’s modules and set it to auto-approve after 1 day.

The following data will be omitted when a submission is auto-approved:

  • Reviewer questions, feedback, and comments

  • Responses to Reviewer Questions

  • Predetermined Responses

  • Reviewer acknowledgements

  • Document clicks

  • Required reviewer documents

  • Submission test scores

Submission View of an Auto-Approval
Development Plan Details View of an Auto-Approval


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