Location Attendance Report

Cognition Knowledge Base

Location Attendance Report

A Location Attendance Report allows you to generate a report on which employees at one or more locations have attended Instructor Led Training sessions.

Table of Contents

To run a Location Attendance Report, start by clicking on the 'Location Attendance Report' link under the 'ILT' heading in the 'Reports' menu.

Selecting Modules

Once you're on the Location Attendance Report page, you'll need to decide which ILT modules to report on.  By default, the report will cover all ILT modules (this could be a very large and very slow report).  To narrow your report, click 'Select' to the right of Learning Module.  Alternately, you can click the 'Module Report Group' radio button and select a report group from the drop down menu.

After clicking 'Select' a modal similar to the one below will appear.  Enter any search criteria and click 'Search Learning Modules'.  Select which modules you wish to report on by checking the boxes to the right, then click 'Add Selected Learning Modules'.

You can perform additional searches and add more modules.  As you build this list, the selected modules will form a list at the bottom of the modal.  When you have selected every module you wish to report on, click 'Return Selected'.

Selecting Locations

By default, the report will cover all locations (this could be a very large and very slow report).  To narrow your report, click 'Select' to the right of Locations.

After clicking 'Select' a modal similar to the one below will appear.  Enter any search criteria and click 'Search'.  Select which locations you wish to report on by checking the boxes to the right, then click 'Add Selected Locations'.

You can perform additional searches and add more locations.  As you build this list, the selected locations will form a list at the bottom of the modal.  When you have selected every location you wish to report on, click 'Return Selected'.

Additional Filters

Once you've been returned to the main Location Attendance Report screen, you can set any additional filters you need.  When you're finished setting any filters, click 'Generate Report'.

Your report will open in a new window and may take a few minutes to load, especially if it is a large report. 

Sample Output

Below is a sample output for a Location Attendance Report.

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