Combined Position Report

Cognition Knowledge Base

Combined Position Report

Automatic assignments likely make up the majority of assignments in your system, and once in a while you may need to take stock of what assignments are being made. The Combined Position Report is a great way to get a view of Positions that are currently making these automatic assignments, and shows you information on the Position’s filters and the Learning Modules that are associated. (Updated in version 9.2.0)

Why is it called the Combined Position Report?

It combines the information from 2 other reports: The Position Assignment History report and the Position Filters Report.


Accessing the report

You can find a link to the Combined Position Report under the Positions heading in the Reports menu. You must be logged in with the Enterprise Administrator role.

Report modes

The report provides 3 ways of finding the Positions you want to look at.

Filter option


Filter option


All active Assignment Positions

This option will run the report on all active Positions of the Assignment-type. This is useful if you’re not looking for anything specific and just want to look through everything that’s out there.

Select specific Positions

With this option, you’ll just search and select a list of Positions. Useful if you already know exactly which Positions you’re looking for.

Select a Job Code and show Positions that may apply to users with that Job Code

This option is really helpful if you want to look into what assignments are going to users with a certain Job Code. Just pick the Job Code and the report will find the Positions for you.

More details on this option below.

Finding Positions by Job Code

When you use the third option and select a Job Code, the report will come up with a list of all Positions that may apply to a user with that Job Code.

“May apply”? Why doesn’t the report know exactly which Positions?

Each Position can filter on all sorts of user data points like Division, Location, or maybe an Extended User Property that your organization uses. Because of this, it’s not always clear cut which Positions each user will fall into.

For example, a Position might filter on a Job Code but might also have a filter that says only users that are full time. So part time time users would not be included, even if they have that Job Code.

Or a Position might filter by Division or Location, and may not have a Job Code filter at all. However, users with that Job Code could be included in the Position if they are at an included Division/Location.

Additional options

But if you’re seeing too many Positions that aren’t relevant to your search, don’t worry! There are some additional options to make your search a little more targeted.





Only show Positions that currently have active users with this Job Code

The report will look at the active users currently in the Position, and exclude the Position if it doesn’t see users with the Job Code you selected.

Only show Positions that have an inclusion filter with this Job Code

The report will only show Positions that explicitly filter on the Job Code. This options helps to hide Positions that don’t have a Job Code filter or have a filter that excludes other Job Codes.

Only show Positions that have associated Learning Modules

This will hide Positions that currently don’t have any associated Learning Modules, and therefore aren’t making any assignments.

Report Output

Once you’ve made your selections and exported your report, you’ll get an Excel with information about each Position. Here’s an example of what you might see for each Position:

Table of Position filters

For each Position, the table shows all of the Filter types the position uses, such as Job Code, Division, or Employment Type. It also specifies whether it’s an inclusion or exclusion filter.

Under each filter type, it will show the values in each filter. For a Job Code filter, it will list the Job Codes. For a Location filter, it will show the list of locations. For an Employment Type filter, it might show a single value of “Full Time”.

List of Learning Modules

Below the filters, you’ll see the Learning Modules associated with that Position, including basic information about the module and some of its assignment settings.






Days to Complete

This is used to calculate the due date after the assignment is made. The table is sorted by this value so you can get an idea of how assignments might be ordered on a user’s Development Plan.

Module Code and Name

The Learning Module’s identifying information.

Module Type

Such as eLearning, Video, On the Job Training, etc.


Estimated length of time to take the training.


Used to determine the order of assignments on the Development Plan if assignments are due on the same day.

Various advanced assignment settings

  • Current Effective Date Range Start Date

  • Current Effective Date Range End Date

  • Is Break

  • Next Assignment Change

See the following page fore more information about these settings: Effective Date Range Quick Reference Guide

What does it all mean?

By looking at the this information, you can answer the following questions.

  • Who exactly is in this Position? - This is defined by the Position Filters.

  • What assignments are they getting? - This is defined by the list of Learning Modules and their assignment settings.

With these 2 main pieces of information about each Position, you can get a picture of how assignments are set up in your system.

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