Creating a Quick Report

Cognition Knowledge Base

Creating a Quick Report

Quick Reports allow you to pre-select filters for reports, so that administrators with certain roles can run one-click reports directly from their dashboard. This feature is available for the following reports:



To create a Quick Report, navigate to the 'Reports' menu, and select 'Quick Reports' under the "Custom Report Options" header. On this page, you can search for quick reports by keyword, report type, and role. To create a new quick report, click the green '+' button located in the top right corner.

Fill in a Name and Description for the report. These fields will show to the end users. In ‘Administrator Notes’ you can enter in any notes that will help other administrators understand the purpose and intent behind the Quick Report. If the 'Show Advanced Report Button' checkbox is checked, an Advanced Report option will appear to users, allowing them to make changes to the pre-selected filters before running the report.


Next, you will be prompted to set up the Roles that will have access to run this Quick Report. Users with the roles that you select will see the Quick Report on their dashboard.


Note: If a Role doesn't appear in the list of Roles, that’s because that Role doesn't have permission to use the Quick Reports feature. You can update this by going to the Cognition menu → Roles → Edit Role → Reports tab.

The last piece of setup needed is the report parameters. The options on the “Parameters” tab will vary based on the type of report you chose for the Quick Report. You will pre-select filters for the report such as User filters, Date filters, etc. In addition, you can set up the Quick Report to use a Report Template.

Using the Quick Report

The report should now be showing under Quick Reports on the dashboard for users with the appropriate Roles. They can click the blue button on the right to run the Quick Report.

If the Advanced Report option is enabled, they will see a button when they click the report box to expand it. This will take them to the filters page, where they can adjust the pre-selected Quick Report filters. This is useful when a user wants to run variations on an existing Quick Report.

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