Creating a Question Pool

Cognition Knowledge Base

Creating a Question Pool

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To begin, click on the Learning menu and select Questions. You will then click the Add New “+” button in the top right.


On this page you will enter in the Question Pool Code and Name. Administrator Notes can be used to internally record information about the purpose or intent behind the content.


Add Questions

Once your question pool is created you will go to Questions tab and click the 'Add New Question' button. 

A modal will appear where you will create your question and customize things such as question layout, weight, and feedback. Clicking Update at the bottom will save that question and take you back to the question pool where you can repeat the process to add all your desired questions.

Question Layouts

  • The Image Layout for a question allows 2-4 distractors with optional images or audio tracks for the question and each distractor.

  • The Text Layout allows 2-5 distractors but only allows text or audio.

Adding an Image

To add an Image select the Image Layout from the dropdown.

Five dark grey boxes will appear on the right side of the screen. Four will be next to the distractors to serve as images for the respective distractor. There will be another near the top of the page to serve as an image for the main question text.

Click on the grey box you want to upload a picture for and a pop-up will appear for you to browse your computer and select an image (png, jpg, or gif). For the Image Layout, your images must be cropped to a 4:3 aspect ratio. We recommend a minimum resolution of 1000 x 750 for each image.

To adjust an image, select the grey button in the upper right of the image. This will reveal the option to Edit or Clear the image. Select Edit to adjust the existing image. Select Clear to get rid of the image.

Always preview your question by clicking the 'Preview' button at the bottom left, and check that all text and images are displaying clearly and correctly.

Adding Audio

Adding an Audio file can be done within the Text or Image question layout. The audio file must be in .mp3 format. To upload an audio file, select Upload File next to Audio:. Select the appropriate distractor(s) and/or Question Text you wish to add audio to.


Other settings

  • For both layouts, you can Randomize Distractors, changing the order that they appear on the screen.  It is not recommended to randomize distractors when one of the options is "all of the above" or similar.

  • You also have the option of making any given question a Golden Question.  This is used for tests where not every question is used, and you want that Golden Question to always appear.  For example, you may have a question pool with fifteen questions, two being golden questions.  The test only uses 10 questions, so the 2 golden questions are guaranteed to appear along with the other 8 randomly selected questions.

  • Lastly, you have an option for the question to have No Correct Answer so that any of the distractors are considered Correct when it comes to scoring.


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