Report Exclusion

Cognition Knowledge Base

Report Exclusion

Report Exclusions allow you to set users to be excluded from showing up on reports by default. This is useful for a variety of reasons, such as if the user is on leave of absence or is a test account that shouldn’t show on reports.

Step 1

To start, navigate to the User Administration page of the user you want to set up a report exclusion for.  Then navigate to the Report Exclusion tab found under the More tab at the top right.

Step 2

The next page will list any current report exclusions.  Click Add New Exclusion in the bottom left corner.

Step 3

A modal will come up where you are required to select a Reason. You may enter a Additional Explanation with a Start and End date. Though those are optional. Once you have finished, click Add to finalize your new exclusion.


Some report exclusion types can be set to prevent the user from logging in as well. If your organization would like to request additional types to prevent login, please contact Reflection Software and we will help you set that up.

Edit and Delete

Once you have added your exclusion, you can Edit or Delete it from the same tab.  A similar modal to when you created the Report Exclusion will pop out when you click Edit.

Report Exclusions and Positions

You can also limit which users are included in Positions through Report Exclusions. This allows for more granular control over positions including cases where you may not want to include associates who are currently on Leave of Absence.

To remove Report Excluded Users from a Position, click on the Report Exclusions tab on the Position’s administration page to modify the position’s settings.

For more information on Report Exclusions, including how to set up these filters on positions and establish system default behavior, click here.

Running Reports on User Report Exclusions

When running reports, by default Report Excluded Users will not appear. If you would like to include these users, select “Include Report Excluded Users” on your report before running it.

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