Cognition Knowledge Base
Adding a New User
To add a new user, first, navigate to the 'User' tab under the 'Administration' menu. Then click the green 'Add New' button in the top right corner.
You will be brought to this page, where you will set the 'Employee ID'. If you check the 'Automatically Register' checkbox, you can immediately set a password and secret question/answer for the new user. Otherwise, the user will set these themselves when they login for the first time. Set these fields then click 'Next'.
On the next page you will set at a minimum everything that is bolded, such as the new users 'First Name', 'Last Name', 'Time Zone', and 'Hire Date'. You can set the other fields at this time as well, or leave them blank. When you are done setting the fields, click finish to create the new user. If you 'Automatically Registered', the new user can immediately login with the information you set. Otherwise, they will need to register and set their password and secret question/answer.
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