Extended User Properties

Cognition Knowledge Base

Extended User Properties

Extended User Properties allow your organization to incorporate additional user information that is not native to Cognition. These properties are most useful for further refining which users get included in Positions. As well as adding additional filters for Reports such as the Assigned Learning Module Status Report.

Adding a New Extended User Property

Navigate to Extended User Properties Administration by selecting Administration in the top menu bar and clicking Extended User Properties.

Select the green Add New button to get started.

  • Format: This setting defines how the data will be stored:

    • Code-Name: The property will be have a pre-determined set of code-name value pairs. (Such a FT - Full Time and PT - Part Time)

    • Date: Values are in a date format (MM/DD/YYYY).

    • Number: Values are whole numbers up to 10 digits (-9,999,999,999 to 9,999,999,999).

    • Text: Values are text up to 255 characters.

Here is an example in how they appear.
  • Name: Display name of the Extended User Property.

  • Description: Short summary as to what this Extended User Property is.

  • Show to Students: Determines if the Extended User Property will appear to the Student role. The options for Show to Students are as follows.

    • Do Not Show: Does not appear to the Student.

    • Show: Shows to the Student and is allowed to edit the property.

    • Show And Require: Shows to the Student and requires them to fill out the property (when registering).

  • Lock this Property for Imported Users: Toggle whether you want this Extended User Property to be only changed during the import (enabled). Or whenever you want (disabled).

  • Value Required for Imported Users: Toggle whether you want this Extended User Property to be required during import (enabled) or not (disabled).

Then press Add Extended Property to finalize the Extended User Property.

Editing a Extended User Property

Format Date, Number, and Text Extended User Property types are only different in how they display information to the user. Otherwise they share the same edit Administration options.

Information tab

Here you can edit all those same basic fields from when you added the property.

These additional fields only show for “Code-Name” type properties:

  • Default Value: Based on the Values tab. You may select one of those pre-defined values as the default value for users or have it be blank.

  • Leaderboard Singular Label: Display text that appears on the Leaderboards when referred in the singular context.

  • Leaderboard Plural Label: Display text that appears on the Leaderboards when referred in the plural context.

If you make any changes, ensure you hit Update to retain them.

Roles tab

The Roles tab allows you to set the permissions across each Role within Cognition for whether they can view the property (in user profile or reports) and whether they can edit these properties for users.

  • Hide - does not show to that role when editing user

  • View - shows to that role, but they cannot set or change it

  • Edit - shows to that role, and they can set or change it for users.

Note: Your Organization may have more custom Roles assigned to your users. Those will also be displayed here.

Values tab

The Values tab is exclusive to the Code-Name Format.

This is where you add the values that a user can select for this Property.

  • Add New Value: Adds a single new value to the Extended User Property.

When clicked a popup window appears. Enter a Code and Name that your organization finds fitting.

Then to finalize your changes press Add New. You will see your new value added to the Extended User Property.

  • Upload List: Is for adding more than one value at a time using Excel.

The Excel file must a header row with with Code and Name columns. Then fill out the data you would like to include from there. Here is how our example will look in an Excel file.

Once you have an Excel file setup, select Upload List and a popup window appears allowing you to upload the Excel (.xlsx) file. Clicking the button with three dots will open up your Operating System’s file explorer. Use this to find your Excel file. Once selected and saved into Cognition, you may press Upload to start to commit the values to the Extended User Property.

Another popup will appear asking you to select which columns in the Excel file you uploaded are the Code and Name columns. Since we named them the same as this prompt is asking, we only need to match them up. Then select Set Columns when you are ready to move on.

The final popup window will appear to display a summary of your changes. If you are satisfied with them then select Commit Changes, your changes should be reflected.

Note: You may also upload an empty Excel file (besides the headers) to remove values in mass.

  • Download Values: Downloads an Excel file of the current Code-Name values present. Useful if you have a lot of values and don’t want to manually copy down all the values listed into your own Excel document.


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