User Scope

Cognition Knowledge Base

User Scope

Scope is used to control what locations and users an administrator can view in search results, reports, etc. Scope is based on location and impacts multiple features in Cognition. Editing a user’s Scope can be done by viewing the user’s profile in User Administration under the Scope tab.


The Scope tab displays your organizations Location Hierarchy in a tree (Locations may be grouped into Regions/Districts. And Regions/Districts are grouped into Divisions.)

Divisions and Regions/Districts can be expanded or collapsed. Click the blue triangle in a Division box to expand the view to display Regions/Districts. You may also expand Regions/Districts to reveal Locations.

For each Location you’ll see an icon (…) at the right. Click on the icon to display more information about that Location.

A couple of different symbols might appear within the checkboxes:

  • Red checkmark: The user has been manually scoped for that Location.

  • Grey checkmark: The user is automatically scoped for that Location (usually their own location)

  • Red line: Indicates that a user is scoped for at least one Location within that grouping.

  • Blank: The user is not scoped for that location/region/division

Expanding/Limiting a User’s Scope

Check the box for a Location to toggle whether a user is Scoped for that Location. If you select a Division or Region/District, than every Location under that grouping will be Scoped for that user.

Disabling Automatic Scope for Home Location

You might’ve noticed that this User’s Location has a orange coloration to their box compared to the rest (as seen above). This is the user’s home location.

You have the options of controlling this behavior for each location. When editing a Location in Location Administration, there is an Auto-Scope Users setting that can be disabled. This is most commonly disabled for corporate locations where you may not want administrators to have visibility on each other.


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