Student Dashboard

Cognition Knowledge Base

Student Dashboard

This page details the changes made to the Student Dashboard in the 8.8.0 version of Cognition. If you are on a previous version, talk to your Cognition Representative about scheduling an update.


Student Dashboard

The Student Dashboard is typically the first screen students see when logging into Cognition. The Dashboard displays widgets that help users access their courses, receive announcements, and access resources.

This article will break down each widget and the configuration options available to site administrators.


The Announcements widget is where company news takes the forefront of attention. Announcements can be targeted to specific audiences, making them the perfect place to get new useful information to those who need it. The Announcement Carousel can display images, videos, and audio right on the dashboard for Students to play.

Announcement Widget

The carousel will display New Unread announcements or Pinned announcements. If there are no New or Pinned announcements, the widget will collapse and just display the blue title bar.


Sizing Options

Changing the width of the Announcements widget is controlled by a backend setting that can be set by your Cognition Representative.

Administrators have two size options for the Announcement widget, full width and 2/3rds width.

2/3rds Width


Full Width

System Settings

Located in the Interface Tab of System Settings.

Setting Name



Setting Name



Enable Announcements auto-scroll

Automatically scroll through the announcement carousel.



Auto-scroll Delay (seconds)

The number of seconds that the carousel waits before auto-advancing to the next announcement.



My Development Plan Summary

The My Development Plan Summary shows how many Learning Modules are on a Student’s Development Plan as well as how many of those modules are Past Due or Due Soon. Students can also find completed courses at the bottom of the widget.

Clicking on each section will bring the Student to that respective section

Learning Content Area

The Learning Content Area contains the most functionality out of all the different widgets on the Student Dashboard. This widget is broken up into five tabs, helpful in finding Assigned content and exploring various available courses and resources.

Assigned Tab

The Assigned Tab shows the student’s development plan items grouped together. There are two layout options for the Assigned Tab The Upcoming Assignments View and the Collections View.

Upcoming Assignments View

This view provides a preview of the learning modules on a Student’s Development Plan. Listed from top to bottom are Past Due assignments, Due Soon, and Upcoming assignments. To see all courses in a specific category, click the View All button which acts similarly to the sections of the My Development Plan.

Upcoming Assignments

Collections View (formerly Dashboard Courses)

This view displays Collections with Learning Modules that have been assigned to the Student. Clicking on each collection will show all assigned Learning Modules within that Collection on the Student Dashboard.



System Settings

You can hide or set the layout for the assigned tab system-wide on the Interface Tab of System Settings under the Dashboard section.

Setting Name



Setting Name



Assigned Tab Contents

Choose which layout the Assigned tab should display as


Upcoming Assignments

Hide this tab

Show Catalog Search Box in Assigned Tab

When the assigned tab is empty, meaning there are either no assignments on the student’s Development Plan or there are no collections to display, a catalog search box can display that the student can use to search for new content.

If students shouldn’t be allowed to search the catalog this should be hidden.

Show Search Box (checked)

Hide Search Box

No Assignments Search Message

This message will show if the Assigned Tab is empty and the Show Catalog Search Box in Assigned Tab setting is Enabled.

Message defaults to:

“To explore additional learning opportunities, enter in keywords to begin your search.”

No Assignments Message

This message will show if the Assigned Tab is empty and the Show Catalog Search Box in Assigned Tab setting is Disabled.

Message defaults to:

“To explore additional learning opportunities talk to your Supervisor.”


Division Settings

You can also hide or customize this tab’s layout at the Division level using the Division settings to override the System Setting.

Setting Name



Setting Name



Assigned Tab Contents

Choose which layout the Assigned tab should display as for this Division.

Use System Setting


Upcoming Assignments

Hide this tab

Show Catalog Search Box in Assigned Tab

When the assigned tab is empty, meaning there are either no assignments on the student’s Development Plan or there are no collections to display, a catalog search box can display that the student can use to search for new content.

If students shouldn’t be allowed to search the catalog this should be hidden.

Use System Setting

Show Search Box

Hide Search Box

No Assignments Search Message

This message will show if the Assigned Tab is empty and the Show Catalog Search Box in Assigned Tab setting is Enabled.

Message defaults to:

“To explore additional learning opportunities, enter in keywords to begin your search.”

No Assignments Message

This message will show if the Assigned Tab is empty and the Show Catalog Search Box in Assigned Tab setting is Disabled.

Message defaults to:

“To explore additional learning opportunities talk to your Supervisor.”

Recommended Tab

The Recommended Tab shows learning modules and collections that are Recommended to Students based on Tags associated with Positions. Recommended content will not show on a Student’s development plan unless they opt into the training by adding the modules themselves.

Recommended Tab



System Settings

Located in the Interface Tab of System Settings under Dashboard.

Setting Name



Setting Name



Show Recommended on Dashboard

Determines when the Recommended Tab shows to students. If “When Exists” is chosen, the tab will only show to students when they have recommended modules.


When Exists


Recommended Courses Header Text

Controls the Header text for the Recommended tab

Defaults to “Opportunities to Grow Your Career”

Division Settings

You can also hide or customize this tab’s layout at the Division level using the Division settings to override the System Setting.

Setting Name



Setting Name



Show Recommended on Dashboard

Determines when the Recommended Tab shows to students for this Division. If “When Exists” is chosen, the tab will only show to students when they have recommended modules.

Use System Setting


When Exists


Catalog Tab

The Catalog Tab allows users to explore additional training collections and landing pages published within the training catalog.

Users can click on collections to view content within the catalog or use the search box to search for learning modules. Depending on the publishing settings of the module, users can add learning modules directly to their Development Plan or speak to their supervisor about having the training assigned to them.

Catalog Tab


The Catalog Tab can be hidden by unchecking the “Show Catalog on Dashboard” option in System Settings. This tab can also be hidden through the division level, which will override the System Settings.

System Settings

Located in the Interface Tab of System Settings under Dashboard.

Setting Name



Setting Name



Show Catalog on Dashboard

Displays the Catalog Tab on the dashboard.

If students shouldn’t be allowed to search the catalog this should be hidden.

Show (checked)


Show Catalog Tab as Default if Assigned Tab is Empty.

If the student has no assignments on the student’s Development Plan or there are no collections to display, the Catalog tab will display as default instead of the Assigned tab.

Enable (checked)


Division Settings

You can also hide or customize this tab’s layout at the Division level using the Division settings to override the System Setting.

Setting Name



Setting Name



Show Catalog on Dashboard

Displays the Catalog Tab on the dashboard for this Division.

If students shouldn’t be allowed to search the catalog this should be hidden.

Show (checked)


Show Catalog Tab as Default if Assigned Tab is Empty.

If the student has no assignments on the student’s Development Plan or there are no collections to display, the Catalog tab will display as default instead of the Assigned tab.

Enable (checked)



To hide an individual Collection from the Catalog tab, go to Courses and search the name of the course you’d like to hide. Go to the Dashboard tab and uncheck “Show in Catalog.”

Completed Tab

The Completed Tab shows collections that you’ve completed content for and that are available for review. The Completed tab will only appear after a course has been finished and submitted.

Completed Tab

Redeem Tab

The Redeem Tab can be used with Public Landing Page content for users to earn credit for learning modules that they completed while they weren’t logged in by entering a redemption code.

Redeem Tab

System Settings

Located in the Interface Tab of System Settings under Dashboard.

Setting Name



Setting Name



Hide Redeem Tab

Displays the Redeem Tab on the dashboard.

Hide (checked)



Resource Links

The Resource Links widget displays hyperlinks to resources on the Student Dashboard. These links can be to URLs within Cognition (documents, announcements, Landing Pages, etc.) or can be to completely external sites.

Learn how to add a Resource link to the Dashboard here.

Resource Links


Leaderboards allow for location-based competition between students. Points are awarded for completing assignments on time, and some extra can be awarded for doing well on the first attempt.

The Leaderboards widget shows to students when they are a participant of an active or recently ended leaderboard. It will display which campaigns are active and their start and end dates on the Student Dashboard. Clicking on a leaderboard will take you to that leaderboard’s main page, where you can find more information about who’s scoring the most points and see which location is achieving the highest.


System Settings

Located in the Interface Tab of System Settings under Leaderboard Settings.

Setting Name



Setting Name



Show Leaderboard Dashboard

Displays the Redeem Tab on the dashboard.

Show (checked)


Leaderboard Description (Optional)

This will display a message in an info-bubble. This could be used to explain how leaderboards work at your organization.

Custom message


Upcoming Sessions

The Upcoming sessions widget gives space for notifying students of upcoming Instructor-Led Training (ILT) they have been registered for. Clicking on a session will bring you to the My Development Plan page and opens that specific session module. To see all available sessions scheduled, you can press the View Calendar button to pull up the calendar page where each session will be listed.

Upcoming Sessions


System Settings

Located in the Interface Tab of System Settings under Dashboard.

Setting Name



Setting Name



Show Upcoming Session Widget

Displays the Upcoming Sessions Widget on the dashboard.


Only if User has Sessions


Division Settings

You can also hide or customize this tab’s layout at the Division level using the Division settings to override the System Setting.

Setting Name



Setting Name



Show Upcoming Session Widget

Displays the Upcoming Sessions Widget on the dashboard for this Division.

Use System Setting


Only if User has Sessions


HR Functions Box

The HR Functions Box is located under the My Development Plan Summary. Its title is customizable and it gives a space for students to view their Talent ReviewsPerformance Reviews, and Progressive Development history. This widget will only show to students when they are included in a Talent or Performance review or if your system uses Progressive Development.

HR Functions Box

My Tasks

The “My Tasks" widget allows for quick access to tasks that have been assigned to you.

My Tasks


System Settings

Located in the Interface Tab of System Settings under Dashboard.

Setting Name



Setting Name



Hide Tasks from the Student Dashboard


Hide (checked)


Layout Options

The student dashboard layout can be configured by the Cognition team to fit your needs and priorities. If you’d like to move widgets around or create a different layout, contact your Cognition Representative for help!


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Some Cognition features may require additional licensing. If your organization is interested in a feature seen here, please contact Reflection Software for more information.