Cognition Knowledge Base
Common Image Dimensions
Site Logos
We offer two options for the site logo: a square version or a wide version. Regardless of which version you choose, you will need to provide two different image resolutions for each:
Standard Display Image
High-Resolution Image for Apple Retina Displays
Option A - Square Logo
Standard Image: 110px x 110px
High-Res Image (2x): 220px x 220px
Option B - Wide Logo
Standard Image: 190px x 50px
High-Res Image (2x): 380px x 100px
Browser Favicon
This is optional but if you wish to use a custom favicon to display on browser tabs and in bookmarks, you may provide us with an image in .PNG format with the following resolution:
32px x 32px
Landing Page Hero Image
You will have the ability to crop and adjust your Hero image from within Cognition.
Note: if you are using your Landing page as a Public Login page, we recommend choosing an image where the main subject or text is left justified to leave room for the Login Box on the right (see example below).
Standard Hero Image
960px x 400px
Download Photoshop template:
Single Sign-On Hero Image
960px x 485px
Download Photoshop template:
Announcement Image
You will have the ability to crop and adjust your Announcement image from within Cognition.
640px x 360px
Dashboard Course/Collection Thumbnail
You will have the ability to crop and adjust your Collection image from within Cognition.
190px x 110px
Got feedback? Have a question? Let us know!
Some Cognition features may require additional licensing. If your organization is interested in a feature seen here, please contact Reflection Software for more information.