
Cognition Knowledge Base


This page will help you understand the various interface settings and their corresponding features.

Interface Settings





Default Title

Title for the website header.

Default Sub Title

Title for the website sub header.

Default Logo URL

URL for the image appearing in the header.

Default Logo Is Wide

check this box if your logo has a wide format

Show "My Dashboard" on Student Menu

This setting controls whether "My Dashboard" shows on the main menu for users logged in as a student.

Default Student Home Page

Select either 'My Dashboard' or 'My Development Plan' as the default student home page

Override Student Home Page


Select either 'My Dashboard' or 'My Development Plan' as the default home page for a subset of users. Use the 'Add Positions' button to control who sees this override home page based on their Position.


Division Labels





Singular Label

This Label is used for a Single Division.

Plural Label

This Label is used for Multiple Divisions.

Single with Article Label

This Label is used for a Single Division with an article.

Plural with Article Label

This Label is used for Multiple Divisions with an article.

Region Labels





Singular Label

The Label used for a Single Region.

Plural Label

The Label used for Multiple Regions.

Single with Article Label

The Label used for a Single Region with an article.

Plural with Article Label

The Label used for Multiple Regions with an article.

Supervisor Labels





Singular Label

The Label used for a Single Supervisor.

Plural Label

The Label used for Multiple Supervisors.

Single with Article Label

The Label used for a Single Supervisor with an article.

Plural with Article Label

The Label used for Multiple Supervisors with an article.

Learner Labels





Singular Label

The Label used for a Single Learner.

Plural Label

The Label used for Multiple Learners.

Single with Article Label

The Label used for a Single Learner with an article.

Plural with Article Label

The Label used for Multiple Learners with and article.

Training Huddle Labels





Singular Label

The Label used for a Single Training Huddle.

Plural Label

The Label used for Multiple Training Huddles.

Leaderboard Settings





Show Leaderboard Dashboard

When checked, Leaderboards will display on the admin and student dashboards.  Must be turned on at Leaderboard level as well.  Has no effect on completion popups.

Region Singular Label

Allows for the singular Leaderboard Region name to be modified.

Region Plural Label

Allows for the plural Leaderboard Region name to be modified.

District Singular Label

Allows for the singular Leaderboard District name to be modified.

District Plural Label

Allows for the plural Leaderboard District name to be modified.

Region Delimiter

This should be a single character. Defines a delimiter used to split Region/District names. Leave this blank if your regions do not have a delimiter.

Location Singular Label

Allows for the singular Leaderboard Location name to be modified. Typical Leaderboard Location names include Location, Store, or Department.

Location Plural Label

Allows for the plural Leaderboard Location name to be modified. Typical Leaderboard Location names include Locations, Stores, or Departments.

Preferred First Name Settings





Enable Preferred First Name

Checkbox used to enable/disable the ability for users to enter a preferred first name for use throughout the site.

Preferred First Name Label

The Label displayed to the user for Preferred First Name.

External Unique Identifier Settings





Show External Unique Identifier

Shows or hides External Unique Identifier.  This user property may be an employee ID from another system.

External Unique Identifier Label

Label for External Unique Identifier.

Report Labels 





Pyramid Report Label

This is the label that is used for a Pyramid Report.

Pyramid Report To Label

Controls a label on the Pyramid Report.  See screenshot below.

Test Attempt Report Label

This is the label that is used for a Test Attempt Report.

Completion Matrix Report Label

This is the label that is used for a Completion Matrix Report.

Report Excluded Info-bubble

In some reports (Assigned Learning Module Status / Completion Matrix Reports to name a couple examples) there is a checkbox that allows you to toggle if you would like to exclude users with a Report Exclusion. Next to those checkboxes is a blue icon that you can place your mouse over to revel the message that is typed in this field.






Search Catalog Instructions

This message appears to users in the Student role when they search the catalog.

Dashboard Settings





Dashboard Subtitle

This is the subtitle text that appears under the Student Dashboard Header.

Enable Announcements auto-scroll

Toggle if the Announcements on the Dashboard scroll automatically. If enabled, enter the amount of seconds you wish for the Announcement to stay visible before switching to the next.

Show Catalog on Dashboard

Toggle if the Catalog shows on the top menu bar.

Show Catalog Tab as Default if Assigned Tab is Empty

This deals with the Learning Content Widget in the Student Dashboard. Default to opening the Catalog tab instead of the Assigned tab if the Assigned tab is empty.

Assigned Tab Contents

Decide if you would like to show ‘Collections’ or ‘Upcoming Assignments’ in the Assigned Tab within the Learning Content Widget. Additionally you may select ‘Hide this tab’ to remove it from the widget. This will also hide the ‘Completed’ tab as well.

Note: Courses and Landings Pages can be displayed as Collections.

Maximum Upcoming Assignments

This field appears when ‘Upcoming Assignments’ is selected for ‘Assigned Tab Contents’. This field controls the maximum amount of assignments that display to a student who still has uncompleted assignments in their development plan.

Show Catalog Search Box in Assigned Tab

Shows the catalog search box in the assigned tab when student has no assignments on their development plan.

No Assignments Search Message

Message that appears in the Assigned Tab when there are no assignments and the Catalog search is showing.

This message is used when “Show Catalog Search Box in Assigned Tab” is enabled.

No Assignments Message

Message that appears in the Assigned Tab when there are no assignments.

This message is used when “Show Catalog Search Box in Assigned Tab” is disabled.

Show Upcoming Session Widget

Gives the options to display the Upcoming Session Widget as either ‘Always’ or ‘Only if a User has Assigned ILTs’. This widget lets the student know about ILT sessions that they have or need to register for. There is also a ‘Never’ option to hide the widget.

Show Recommended on Dashboard

Show recommended modules tab on the dashboard within the Learning Content Widget. 'Never', 'Always', or only 'When Exists' are the options that you may select for displaying

Recommended Courses Header Text

Header text for Recommended Courses, appears on Dashboard within the Learning Content Widget ‘Recommended’ tab. Must have ‘Show Recommended on Dashboard’ set to ‘Always’ or ‘When Exists’ for the ‘Recommended’ tab to appear.

My Goals/Performance Label

Label for My Goals page and Dashboard widget

User Goals/Performance Label

Label for User Goals page. A place that this can be viewed is from the HR menu button, under the Performance Management heading.

Show My Goals

Shows the My Goals widget on the Student Dashboard for users who have available goal tabs.

HR Functions Box

Widget that has the ability to show links to Talent Reviews, Performance Reviews, and Progressive Development. You may also give this widget a title.

Show Resource Links

Toggles visibility of Resource Links

Resource Links Title

Determines what the Resource Link widget is called on the student dashboard.

Direct Reports Dashboard Statement

Text that shows under the Direct Report bulletin of the dashboard to a user who has Direct Reports. For example, Supervisors.

Loop in Pyramid Message

This message shows on a user's non-student dashboard warning them that some features may not work. In this case it is most likely that there are 2 users who are both supervisors to each other causing a loop.

Enable Other Modules Course

Toggles visibility of the Other Modules Courses. This can be seen in the Learning Content Widget within the Recommended tab when enabled.

Other Modules Display Name

Text that usually says ‘Other Recommended Modules’ which is visible to the user. You may edit this name if you require it to be named something different.

Other Modules Description

Display name for the ‘Other Recommended Modules’ course.

Hide Redeem Tab

Toggles visibility of the Redeem Tab that shows in the Learning Content Widget.

Additional languages

If your organization has Licensed Languages, than you will be able to set translations of certain labels within this setting. These translations will replace every occurrence of said label when languages are switched. To do this, there is a grey button on the right of the textbox to translatable labels.

Once you click the button the below pop up will show for input. Enter your translation here.

Got feedback? Have a question? Let us know!

Some Cognition features may require additional licensing. If your organization is interested in a feature seen here, please contact Reflection Software for more information.