Cognition Knowledge Base
User Task Report
A User Task Report is a summary of what Tasks were assigned to users, when they were completed, and other task information. To run this report, navigate to the Reports menu and under the “User Management” heading select the User Task Report. First, select a Task from the drop down menu. Leave the drop down menu on 'All Tasks' to run a report on every task. You can also select a date range for the task assignment date.
The report will contains the following fields by default:
First Name
Last Name
Task Name
Task Type
Task Assignment Date
Task Expiration Date
Complete Date
Task Details
Field Display Options
User Detail Fields
You can add additional information to your report by checking the 'User Detail' checkbox.
The following additional information is included:
Hire Date
Email Address
Job code
Location Information Fields
You can add additional information to your report by checking the 'Login Information' checkbox.
The following additional information is included:
Supervisor Information Fields
You can add additional information to your report by checking the 'Supervisor Information' checkbox.
The following additional information is included:
Supervisor Username
Supervisor Name
Supervisor Email Address
Extended User Property Fields
What fields will display if this item is checked depends on what Extended User Properties your organization has set.
Note: This will display all the Extended User Properties for your organization.
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