Pyramid Report

Cognition Knowledge Base

Pyramid Report

A Pyramid Report is a way of organizing user module completion data by supervisor.  A Pyramid report will generate data about completion for that supervisor and all of their direct reports, and all of their direct reports' direct reports, etc.  To run a pyramid report, select a supervisor and a module or group of modules to report on.  You can also report on a Module Report Group.  You can use the advanced filters to narrow your report.  The 'Exclude LOAs' checkbox can be used to exclude employees who are on a leave of absence.

Export Report Data to Excel

Clicking 'Export a Pyramid Report to Excel' will generate a .xlsx file with all the users in alphabetical order by last name.

Generate Report

Clicking 'Generate Report' will open a new window that will look like the image below.

This first page lists all the users that report to the supervisor you selected earlier.  Users with blue underlined names have their own direct reports.  You can click on their names to see a breakdown of their direct reports, and so on.

You can also click on the learning modules to see a list of learners who have not completed that module.

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