Cognition Knowledge Base
Assigned Learning Module Status Report
The Assigned Learning Module Status Report is an Excel report that can show you which users have certain statuses for one or more modules. ALMS Reports can also be used with ALMS Report Templates and Quick Reports.
To begin, click the Reports menu and select Assigned Learning Module Status Report.
Selecting Report Filters
First, select the learning module(s), a Module Report Group, or all modules that you want to report on.
Note: selecting All Modules can result in long report generation time if your organization has a sizable amount of Learning Modules.
To further specify your report, you can select individual Divisions, Regions, Locations, Job Codes, and Positions that will be factored into your search.
Next, you will specify the Learning module Statuses you want to report on:
Not Started/Not Registered: When selected, will show students that have not started assigned modules and students that still have not registered.
In Progress/Registered: When selected, will show students that have started their assigned modules and students that have registered.
Pending Instructor Closeout/Pending Approval: When selected, will show completed modules, but ones that have not been finalized by the instructor that assigned the module(s).
Pending Test: When selected, will show students that have completed the module, but are waiting on test administration.
Closed: When selected, will show students that have completed the module, including other completion types like Manual Completions and Exemptions.
You can also set advanced filters as pictured above by clicking on Show Advanced Filters.
Supervisor: Enter a user with the Supervisor role to filter. This will display which users have the entered Supervisor.
Date Filter: May select None, Hire Date, Assignment Date, Due Date, and Complete Date from the dropdown. You may then enter a date range for the previous selection to filter.
Assignment Option: May select Required Only, Suggested Only, and Required and Suggested from the dropdown. Filters on if an assignment was a suggested or required one.
Active Students: May select Only Active, Only Inactive, and Active and Inactive from the dropdown. Filters on if a student is active or deactivated.
Include Report Excluded Users: Toggle if you would like to include user's that have a Report Exclusion.
If your organization has set any extended user or location properties, you will see them appear her as well.
Field Display Options
Field Display Options determine how much additional information for each user will appear, all resulting in additional columns in the report. Below are the following options:
User Detail Fields
Assignment Detail Fields
Test Information Fields
Learning Module Specific Fields
Location Information Fields
Supervisor Information Fields
Extended User Property Fields
Use Report Template
Allows you to select a previously set up ALMS Report Template.
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