Pre Assessment Report

Cognition Knowledge Base

Pre Assessment Report

The Pre Assessment Report gives you a summary of Pre Assessment attempts made by different users, allowing you to get a quick overview of users' knowledge level on concepts presented in the assessments, based on the results.

Running the report

Navigate to the Pre Assessment Report page from the Reports menu, under Testing Analysis.

Start by searching for attempts. You can search all Pre Assessments or select a particular one. You can also search for a specific user or search users by things like job code or hire date.

Once you've searched for attempts, check the boxes for all the attempt you want to report on and click 'Generate Report'.

Viewing the report

Each attempt summary will appear on a separate page in the report. At the top you’ll see some basic information about the user at the left. On the right, you’ll see some summary information about the the attempt.

Underneath you’ll see some summary numbers, including how many questions they answered correctly, incorrectly, or marked that they did not know the answer, and of course the score. If there were multiple question pools in the assessment, you’ll see the numbers broken out by pool, which is especially helpful if each pool covers a specific topic or concept.



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