
Cognition Knowledge Base


Creating a Task

To create a task, first navigate to the Tasks page from the Administration menu.  On this page, you can Edit, Assign, and Delete existing tasks by clicking those .  Click the green + button (Add New) to begin creating a new task.

Greyed out tasks are inactive.

On the task creation page, you will set everything that will later appear on the Information tab. You can choose Expiration Days if you want the task to expire and stop showing to the user within a certain number of days or leave it blank if you do not want it to expire. If you check the Require Login, then the user will need to log in to complete the task. If you check Require Signature, then the user will need to complete a digital acknowledgement to complete the task.  The Schedule can be used to define recurring tasks.  If the Schedule is set to None it will not assign to anyone in the time being. At the end you can choose if you would like to send out emails to the user to notify them of a new task with Enable Emails

Note: Task Notifications need to be enabled in System Settings in order for emails to actually be sent out. 

Task Types


With the Simple task type, you are able to type out any sort of message you would like to send users. 

Verify Direct Reports/Verify Supervisor

With the Verify Direct Reports and Verify Supervisor task types, you are able to list out a user’s direct reports or supervisor and have them confirm whether that information is up to date. These task types have an additional Notification Settings tab.  On this tab, you can define a notification email and a list of recipients.  When a user answers that their supervisor or direct reports are listed incorrectly in Cognition, this email will automatically be sent to every address on the recipients list.

Data Entry

Data Entry tasks are another way, besides Compliance modules, to deliver Input Documents.  Creating a Data Entry task is the same as other tasks except that you must also select an Input Document during creation.  All Data Entry tasks Require Signature and Signature Verbiage.

Report Reminder

The Report Reminder task allows users to run a Quick Report (or more) from this task type. First select a pre-existing Quick Report or create a new one. During the process ensure that you have selected the Roles you wish for this Quick Report to be available to. The Roles selected here affect who gets to run the Quick Report from the Task. If a user does not have a Role selected within the Quick Report, and a Task with the same Quick Report is assigned to them. Then they will be unable to run the Quick Report. This is separate from Task Administration.

Note: Your organization might have custom Roles shown here. In order to have a Role display similar to the image above. The Enable Quick Reports in Dashboard option in Cognition/Roles must be selected.

Once your Quick Report is ready. Back in Task Administration navigate to the Report Settings tab.

  • Run as Role: When users run this report. It will use the settings for the role selected here. Mainly whether it can run the report at all. And whether it uses scope. Make sure the user base has this role.

  • Quick Reports: Select a Quick Report to associate with this Task. You are able to select more than one Quick Report.

Working off the example images above one you make a selection it might look something like the image below. Make sure to select Update once you finish entering your selections.


Assigning Tasks

User List Upload

Tasks can be assigned to a large number of users at once using a user list upload.  First navigate to the main Tasks page, find a Task, and click Assign in the options column and you'll be brought to the page below.  You'll need an Excel file with a header row and one column of user IDs.  You can user the User Report to generate a file to work with.  Click Select at the right of the screen and choose your Excel file.  If you want to assign a different task, you can do so with the dropdown box, otherwise, select an Assignment Date and click Assign.

After assigning a Task, you'll see a results summary page with the number of users assigned and skipped. If a user is skipped then the task is not assigned to them and a reason is provided as to why that happened.

Assigning Tasks from User Tasks

You can also assign tasks to a single user at a time.  To do this, navigate to the User Tasks page under the Administration menu.  Use the search functionality to find a user and click Edit in the Options column. You can also reach a User's Tasks page from User Administration or DPA under the More Options menu. 

On this page, you'll find a list of all open and completed Tasks.  Click Add Task in the upper left corner.

A popup will appear.  Use the dropdown to select a Task and set an Assignment Date and click Add Task.

Completing Tasks


The only option for Simple tasks is to Complete them, possibly requiring a digital signature/acknowledgement.

Verify Direct Reports/Verify Supervisor

Verify Direct Reports and Verify Supervisor work the same way.  The user will see the message you enter into the Description on the info tab, then select Correct or Incorrect.  If a user selects Incorrect, then an email will be sent according to the settings on the Notification Settings tab.

Data Entry

Data Entry tasks are completed in the same way as an Input Document.  Click View Form to download the PDF, then follow the instructions in the Input Document article.

Once you've submitted the PDF file, a Complete button will be added to the Task.  You can view the form you submitted using View Form.  If you are satisfied with the form you submitted, click Complete.

Report Reminder

Report Reminder tasks display to users as shown below when selected.

The Quick Reports that you have selected will display within the Task with an empty checkbox showing that the Quick Reports has yet to run. Click anywhere within the dark grey gradient that the Quick Report is in to run it. A pop up will appear, if it doesn’t your browser might be blocking the pop up from appearing. Make sure to allow it so that the Quick Report can run. Once the Quick Report completes you should see a red checkmark in the white box now,

To finish the Task, select the green Complete button.


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