Completion Matrix Report

Cognition Knowledge Base

Completion Matrix Report

A Completion Matrix Report is a way to quickly view the assignment status of many modules for many users.  Quick Reports can be created for Completion Matrix Reports.  To run a Completion Matrix Report, start by clicking on the 'Completion Matrix Report' link under the 'Multi-User Progress' heading in the 'Reports' menu.

Table of Contents

Setting Report Parameters

Once you're on the Completion Matrix Report page, you will need to choose which modules to report on.  By default, a Completion Matrix report reports on a Module Report Group.  Use the drop down menu to select a Report Group.  By default, the report title will be "Completion Matrix Report".  You can change this using the text box at the top of the screen.

Reporting on Individual Modules

You can alternately report on modules not in a Report Group by clicking the radio button next to 'Select Specific Module(s)'.  Then click 'Select' to the right.

A modal like the one below will pop out.  Enter the search criteria and click 'Search Learning Modules'.  Select modules to add by checking the boxes to the right, then click 'Add Selected Learning Modules'.

This will add the modules to a list at the bottom of the modal.  You can perform more searches and add more modules to add more modules to the list.  When you're finished, click 'Return Selected'.

Setting Additional Filters and Generating the Report

You can narrow your report using the student filters or click the 'Select Specific Students' radio button to manually select students.

When you're finished selecting modules and students, click 'Generate Report' at the bottom of the page.  A window will pop out with a prompt to download a .xlsx file.  It may take several minutes to prepare the report, especially if it is large.

Report Output

Below is sample output for a Completion Matrix Report.

Every .xlsx output file includes a tab which details what filters were used, as well as a tab with a legend. This legend is repeated below:





White empty cell

Not complete, but not past due.

Red cell with number

Not complete. Number indicates days past due.

Green empty cell

Completed within allotted timeframe.

Green cell with number

Completed. Number indicates days past due at time of completion.

Gray empty cell

Not assigned.

Gray cell with letter 'i'

Assignment marked as incomplete.


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