Cognition Knowledge Base
Security Groups
Security Groups are used to restrict which Enterprise Administrators can access items that may contain sensitive data, such as Documents, External Data Connections, Talent Reviews, Performance Reviews, and Progressive Development.
Table of Contents
Creating a Security Group
To start, under the Cognition menu you will click on Security Groups.
On this page, you are able to search and view any existing Security Group. Click the green + button at the top right to add a new Security Group.
Step 1
Enter a name and code for your Security Group, and add a description. The Active box will be checked by default.
Step 2
On this page, you will add users to your Security Group. As the creator of the Security Group, you are a member by default. To add additional users, click Add. A pop-up window will then appear.
In the pop-up, search for users you want to add. Check the boxes next to any users you wish to add, then click Add Selected Users. You can perform additional searches and add more users and they will form a list at the bottom of the pop-up. Click Finish to add all the users on this list.
The pop-up window might be small and not display all the fields and buttons across the screen like in the example image below. To access these either use the scroll wheel or click and drag the sides of the pop-up window.
Step 3
Finally, review all your settings and click 'Finish.'
Now you can associate the security group with Documents, External Data Connections, Talent Reviews, Performance Reviews, and Progressive Development as needed.
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