Cognition Knowledge Base
System Health
Cognition has various processes and services that help your site run correctly. The System Health helps you to monitor these services. Enterprise Administrators will see a System Health section on their dashboard. When everything is running smoothly, it will look like this:
If any service is experiencing issues, it will show this on the dashboard. Please contact us and we can assist in getting things back up and running normally.
You can also view the full System Health dashboard to get more details. Below is more information about each item shown on the dashboard.
Import Service
If your organization has an automated import service, for things such as users, this section will show whether it was successfully executed or not.
External Data Connections and Documents
This service helps with generating documents for users, especially for Compliance sign-offs.
Past Due Email Service
Your organization can have a periodic email set up to send out to students, supervisors, and locations that includes all assignments that are past due. You can also have emails set up to send to Instructors reminding them of any Outstanding Tasks they may have. This section of system health will summarize how many of those emails were successfully sent out.
Proactive Email Service
Your organization can have a periodic email set up to send out to students, supervisors, and locations that includes upcoming assignments with the option of including past due assignments. This section of system health will summarize how many of those emails were successfully sent out.
Position Synchronization Service
Any time that a position is manipulated in any way, such as adding/removing a filter, the change of users in the position will not be fully processed until a Position Synchronization is completed. This section will display all the successful synchronization and any possible failures, which should be addressed immediately because that will result in missing/inaccurate Curriculum/Role assignments.
Worker Scheduler Service
This is a general service that helps with Cognition’s automated tasks.
OLAP Service
The OLAP Service analyzes the association rules between the curriculum and positions to make sure that report Curriculum Assignment data is updated.
Group DPA Service
This section summarizes the processing of Group Development Plan Administration Jobs that were run. If there are any problems with the service, there may be users that aren't assigned Modules or properly or won't get credited for them properly.
Session Task Status
This status is for Instructor Led Trainings and making sure that users are properly being given a completion upon close-out of the session.
Email Queue Service
This service controls the processing and sending of all emails, including those that are scheduled and triggered through the site.
Report Generator
The Report Generator prepares the Excel reports ready for download. If this is not executing normally, your administrators may be having issues running reports.
File Storage
This refers to proper storage of files, especially images that are uploaded to the system for the Test Player.
Displays the database version. (Mostly helpful to Reflection’s team during site updates.)
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