Adding YouTube and Vimeo Links to a Video Module

Cognition Knowledge Base

Adding YouTube and Vimeo Links to a Video Module

Video modules allow you to assign video content to students, including videos you upload or videos available on YouTube and Vimeo. This allows you to ensure Students view the entire video to receive video completion, prevent skipping ahead in the video, and even start the video at a particular timestamp.

To set up a Video Module with a YouTube or Vimeo video, all you’ll need is a link to video. Read the steps below on how to find the proper link to include.

What kinds of videos can I use?


Any public or unlisted video found on YouTube or Vimeo can be launched and viewed within Cognition.

What is a public video?

A public video is any video that is publicly searchable and viewable from YouTube.

What is an unlisted video?

An unlisted video is only available to viewers who have the direct link to that video. This video will never show in search results on YouTube, but anyone who has a direct link can watch it. If you are creating content with a YouTube account and don’t want your videos to be viewed by the general public, this is a great option.

What about private videos?

If you have a video that is set to private, only those who can log in to your YouTube account can see it. You won’t be able to link to that video in Cognition. You’ll need to change it to an unlisted video first.


What is a public video?

A public video is any video that is publicly searchable and viewable from Vimeo.

What is an unlisted video?

An unlisted video is only available to viewers who have the direct link to that video. This video will never show in search results on Vimeo, but anyone who has a direct link can watch it. If you are creating content with a Vimeo account and don’t want your videos to be viewed by the general public, this is a great option.

What is a Hidden from Vimeo video?

A video set to ‘Hide from Vimeo’ will not show in search results on Vimeo, nor can it be viewed with a direct link. A video with this setting can only be viewed if they are embedded in another site. Videos that are set to ‘Hide from Vimeo’ can be embedded and used with Cognition.

What about private videos?

If you have a video that is set to private, only those who can log in to your Vimeo account can see it. You won’t be able to link to that video in Cognition. You’ll need to change it to an unlisted video first.

What about videos with a Password?

Setting a password for a video is like setting it to unlisted, except you must also enter a password in addition to having a direct link. Using videos with passwords is not supported by Cognition.

How to Retrieve a Public YouTube Video Link

  1. Search YouTube for the public video you want to share

  2. Once you make your selection, right-click over the video and select “Copy video URL” if you want the video to play in Cognition from the beginning (00:00)

    1. If you want the video to start at a specific timestamp, pause the video at the desired timestamp and right-click over the video and select “Copy video URL at current time


How to Retrieve an Unlisted YouTube Video Link

1. First, login to your account where you have the unlisted video uploaded.

2. Go to “Your Channel” under your user menu in the upper-right corner.

3. Click “Manage Videos” and find the unlisted video that you want to use.

4. Either right click on the video and select “Get shareable link” from the options menu

OR click on the title of the video and use the Copy icon on the right-hand side of the page (image below).


How to Retrieve a Public Vimeo Video Link

  1. Search Vimeo for the public video you want to share

    1. Once you make your selection, click the “Share” button

  2. Click on the first link that appears and once it is highlighted, right-click on it and copy the link.

How to Timestamp a Vimeo Video Link

  1. Login to your account where you have the video you want timestamped uploaded.

  2. Under your user profile, go to your Videos page and search for the video you want to use. Click on the video to view its details.

  3. Play or scrub to the desired time.

  4. On the top right corner, click on the Link Icon.

  1. Click ‘Start at…’ and then copy the link.

  2. When pasting into Cognition, you will have to remove ‘share=copy#’ from the url in order for the video to play properly.


How to Retrieve an Unlisted or ‘Hide from Vimeo’ Video Link

  1. First, login to your account where you have the unlisted video uploaded.

  2. Under your user profile, go to your Videos page and search for the unlisted video you want to use. Click on the video to view its details.

  3. On the top right corner, click on the Share Icon.

  4. A share menu will pop-up. Click on the “Copy” button for a link that will play the video in Cognition from the beginning (00:00)

    1. If you want the video to start playing at a specific time, make sure you pause the video at that timestamp and then click the Share icon. You will then see the option to “Start video at” the specific timestamp; check the setting and then click the “Copy” button.

Setting up a YouTube/Vimeo Video in Cognition

Start by creating a Video type Learning Module (How to Add a Learning Module) as you normally would.


When you get to Step 4, you will find the Video module specific settings, and you will click “Add Video Chapter.” This will bring up the following modal:

Here you will give the video a display title under Chapter Title and you will select “External URL.” Under “External URL” you will go ahead and paste your YouTube or Vimeo link and click the Add button.


Now when the student launches the Video module, Cognition will open our video player in a new window and the YouTube/Vimeo video will start playing without redirecting to Student to the external site.

Adding Closed Captioning

YouTube and Vimeo videos will display available subtitle and closed caption options within Cognition’s video player. Please note that auto-translate and auto-generate feature options are not available at this time and will not display within Cognition.

If you are creating your own videos and wish to add closed captioning, please refer to the instructions and best practices provided by your chosen platform.

YouTube Caption & Subtitle Guide:


Vimeo Caption & Subtitle Best Practices:

Can I add captions subtitles to my videos?

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