Global HR Groups

Cognition Knowledge Base

Global HR Groups

Global HR Groups allow you to group and organize associates as well as assign HR managers to manage those groups. Global HR Groups are used by both Performance Reviews and Talent Reviews. Let’s walk through how to add and edit Global HR Groups.


Creating a New HR Group

  1. Go to the HR menu tab and select Global HR Groups.

  2. Click on the green Add New button, and then name your Group and add in any Administrator Notes before clicking Add Group.

Add Users to Your Group

Now that you have your group made, you can add users to it. There are three different ways to add users:

  • Upload Users from an Excel List

  • Add Users using a Position

  • Search and add a single user

Uploading Users from an Excel List

When you have a defined group of associates that you would like to include in your HR Group, you can upload them using Excel. All you need is a column with their User or Employee ID.

We recommend doing an Excel upload when you have specific eligibility requirements for participation in a Performance Review or Talent Review that results in static list of users that will not change. This helps you track completion rates more accurately.

  1. Under the More Options button, select Upload Users.

  1. Next, select an Excel file to upload with a list of User or Employee IDs for the associates that you want to add to the HR Group. Select Upload Users.

  1. Next, select the column name that contains the associate’s Employee IDs from the dropdown to match them in the system.

  2. You will get a short summary of your results including a count of any users not found, users added, and users removed. You can view the details of this count to see which users were not found or removed by clicking the View Details button.

  1. If the summary looks correct to you, click Commit Changes. If you decide not to upload the list, just click Cancel.

At anytime, you can make add or remove additional users by downloading the current user list, modifying your Excel, and re-uploading. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Download the current user list by clicking on More Options and selecting Download User List.

  2. Add the new users to the bottom of the downloaded Excel and then re-upload using the same More Options menu.

Use a Position to Add Users

If you need to create a dynamic group that will change over time, you can use a Position to automatically add associates to your HR Group. This means that as associates meet the filters of the position, they will automatically get added to the HR Group and any processes that the HR Group is a part of. It also means that if an associate stops meeting those requirements, they will be automatically removed from the HR Group.

While having dynamic groups like this can be convenient, it can make tracking completion more difficult because the number of associates in the process changes overtime. It can also result in some confusion if associates are removed from Groups and lose access to their Performance pages.

Depending on the process you are setting up, a blend of both static and dynamic groups may be beneficial. Speak with your Cognition Performance or Talent Representative for to help determine the right strategy for you!

  1. To add a Position, click on the Positions tab of your HR Group.

  1. Click on the Select a Position dropdown and start typing the name of the position that you want to add. Once you see your position, select it and then click the Green Plus button.

All associates in that position will now be added to your HR Group.

Add a Single User

Note: If you are using a Position to populate your HR Group, you will not be able to add users without modifying the Position

To add a single user to an existing HR group, you can use the selection tool above the grid to search either by name or User ID.

Removing Users from an HR Group

Note: If you are using a Position to populate your HR Group, you will not be able to remove users without modifying the Position.

To remove a user from an HR Group, click on the “Remove” link next to their name in the user grid.

Note: Removing a user from an HR Group will cause them to become “Ungrouped” in any Performance Reviews or Talent Reviews associated with that HR Group. The user will no longer be able to see/access those processes. This does not delete any data and can be undone and recovered by an Enterprise Administrator.

Add/Edit HR Group Managers

HR Group Managers are users that you designate who can access the Talent or Performance data for the associates within a specific Global HR Group. HR Group Managers are often members of the HR team who help to track Talent or Performance Review completions, return forms back to associates or managers who need to make updates, or answer questions about the process.

HR Group Managers have permission to the following actions/views for associates in groups they manage:

  • See Goal Setting and Performance Review pages for associates including Associate and Supervisor comments, goal statuses, and ratings.

  • Remove Supervisor Performance Ratings.

  • Rate Goals and Overall Performance Evaluations.

  • See Talent One Pagers and Succession Views including Associate and Supervisor responses and Talent Meeting fields.

  • Edit certain Talent fields or sections as designated.

  • Request updates from Associates or Supervisors to Performance Reviews or Talent Reviews

  • Run Talent and Performance Reports (as designated).

  • Move associates forward or back within the Talent or Performance process.

Adding/Editing HR Group Managers

To add or edit the HR Group Managers for a group, select the Managers tab on the Group that you’d like to edit.

Users can be added using the Select a User to Add dropdown and can be removed by clicking the Remove link next to their name in the grid.


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