Report Reminder email tasks

Cognition Knowledge Base

Report Reminder email tasks

Report Reminder tasks allow you to send users a recurring email reminder with a link to run a report. (See Tasks for other types of tasks that can be set up.) This document will walk through all the pieces you need to set up a report reminder for users.

Users (email addresses and role)

First, make sure the users have an email address listed on their “Contact” tab.

Users will also need a role that has access to the Quick Report type, most likely the Assigned Learning Module Status Report. (See Roles - Reports)

Quick Report

Create a Quick Report, so that all report settings and filters of the report are pre-selected and ready to go. (See Creating a Quick Report)

Setting up the Task

Go to Tasks to create a new Task.

Basic Task Information

Fill out information such as the name and the description that will show to the users.

Note that “Require Login” is an important setting for Report Reminder tasks. Requiring login is more secure. Not requiring login is more convenient for users, but the report data is not secured. The link can be forwarded and the data accessed by anyone.


Scheduling settings are also found under the basic information for the Task:

Email Notification Settings

Here you can define the email subject and body. Note that the info bubble at the right shows what tokens you can use in the email. The $TaskURL$ token is important for linking users directly to the report task in the email.

Note: Task Notifications need to be enabled in System Settings in order for emails to actually be sent out. 

Report Settings

Once you create the task, go to the Report Settings tab. Select the role that users will use to run the report, and select the Quick Reports that they will run.


On the Positions tab, select Positions to define which users will receive this task. The task will automatically be assigned to users in the Positions based on the scheduling settings you’ve selected. You may need to create a new Position for your users. (See Smart Groups (formerly Positions))

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