Cognition Knowledge Base
Creating a Task
To create a task, first navigate to the Tasks page from the Administration menu. Click the green + button (Add New) to begin creating a new task.
On the task creation page, you will choose settings for the Task.
The Required fields for you to Add a Task are Name, Type, Display Name, and Description.
Name, Display Name, and Description you must enter text for.
Type is where you make a selection on what Task Type you wish to have this Task be.
Once you have finished with that and any other settings you wish to adjust. Then select Add Task to finalize the creation of the Task.
Other optional settings
Expiration Days: You can choose Expiration Days if you want the task to expire and stop showing to the user within a certain number of days or leave it blank if you do not want it to expire.
Require Login: If you check Require Login, then the user will need to log in to complete the task.
Require Signature: If you check Require Signature, then the user will need to complete a digital acknowledgement to complete the task.
Schedule: The Schedule can be used to define recurring tasks. If the Schedule is set to None it will not assign to anyone for the time being.
Enable Emails: At the end you can choose if you would like to send out emails to the user to notify them of a new task with Enable Emails.
Note: Task Notifications need to be enabled in System Settings in addition to the Enable Emails checkbox. In order for emails to actually be sent out.
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