
Cognition Knowledge Base


Curriculums are used in conjunction with Courses and /wiki/spaces/CKB/pages/448102401 to automatically assign modules to users.

Table of Contents

Creating a New Curriculum

To create a new Curriculum, first click on the 'Curriculum' link under the 'Content' heading in the 'Learning Management' menu.

On this page, you can search for and edit existing Curriculums.  To add a new Curriculum, click the green '+' button at the top right.

Step 1

First, you will need to choose a code and name for your new Curriculum, and add a description.  Then click 'Next'.

Step 2

In this step, you will choose which courses will be in your curriculum.  Click 'Add Course(s)'.

A modal similar to the one below will pop out.  Set the search criteria and click 'Search Learning Courses'.  Check the boxes to the right to select exactly which Courses to add, then click 'Return Selected Course(s)'.

You can repeat this process to add more learning modules.  When you're finished, click 'Next'.

Step 3

Finally, review your new curriculum.  If you are satisfied, click 'Finish'.  Your new curriculum is now ready to use, however, you must edit it to add /wiki/spaces/CKB/pages/448102401 before any courses are automatically assigned to users.

Editing a Curriculum

To edit a curriculum, first, navigate to the Curriculum page (as demonstrated at the beginning of the article).  You can search for Curriculums by code, name, and keywords in the description.  When you've entered the search criteria, click 'Search Curriculums'.  Find the Curriculum you wish to change and click 'Edit' to the right.

Basic Information

When you click edit, you will start on the 'Information' tab.  Here, you can rename or change the description of the Curriculum.  After you make any changes, click 'Update'.


Before a Curriculum can be used to automatically assign modules to users, you must add /wiki/spaces/CKB/pages/448102401.  Click on the 'Positions' tab along the top left, then click 'Add Position(s)'.

A modal similar to the one below will pop out.  Enter the search criteria and click 'Search Positions'.  Check the boxes to the right for any /wiki/spaces/CKB/pages/448102401 you wish to add, then click 'Return Selected Position(s)'.

You will see the /wiki/spaces/CKB/pages/448102401 you just returned appear here.  If you need to delete any positions from the Curriculum, simply click 'Remove' to the right.


Click on the 'Content' tab along the top left to view the Courses and modules in your Curriculum.  To remove a Course and the associated modules, simply click 'Remove Course' to the right.  If you wish to edit any Course or module, click on its name and you will be redirected to the page for that Course/module.  To add a Course, click 'Add Course(s)' at the bottom left.  A modal will pop out; follow the same instructions as for Step 2.

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