Granting Progress and Modifying Status of assignments

Cognition Knowledge Base

Granting Progress and Modifying Status of assignments

Depending on your role’s settings, you can modify the status of an assignment in Development Plan Administration. Each status has a different purpose:

  • Manual Completion – give the user credit because they completed the content but were unable to clear the module from their development plan for some reason.

  • Exemption – the user does not need to take the content, but you want to give them credit and remove it from their development plan anyway.

  • Incomplete –  do not give the user credit, but remove it from their development plan.

  • Void - remove an assignment that was made in error (for administrative assignments only)- there will be no record of this assignment existing.


To begin, under the Learning menu, select Development Plan Administration (DPA) and search for the user. Once found, you will click on View under Options. You may also get to a user’s DPA by their User Administration page and selecting the drop down More Options then clicking on View User Development Plan.

On this page, click the module assignment you wish to modify so it expands. Then click the Modify Status button in the bottom right.


You can select one of the options available:

Grant a Manual Completion

Manual Completions are used to manually give the user credit for completing a module. This is often used in cases where the user did the training, but encountered technical issues that prevented them from getting their completion in the system, or if they completed the training in a different equivalent way outside of Cognition.

When you select the Grant a Manual Completion, you will need to provide a Completion Date and a Reason for Action. After that, you must click on a checkbox acknowledging that you are manually marking the student’s module as complete. You will have the option to type out or upload a Progress Note if there is something extra you would like to attach other than the reason for your action. Also if the Assignment is a Test Only type. Then there will also be an option to Add Test Attempt.

Grant a Manual Exemption

Granting a Manual Exemption will exempt the student from the selected module. This will show up on a user’s Development Plan, in Details, and in Reports as an Exemption. You must click on a checkbox acknowledging that you are manually exempting a student's module.

Grant a Void

Granting a Void means that the student's module will no longer show in the Development Plan or History menu options, but will show in Reports and in the Development Plan Administration as a Void. You must click on a checkbox acknowledging that you are voiding a student's module.

Curriculum assignments cannot be voided from a user’s Development Plan / History. This is because the assignment is set through a curriculum/position assignment and therefore is on that student’s development plan because they meet the criteria to receive that assignment. Granting a void is removing the assignment altogether, so that is not possible with a Curriculum assignment. To remove a curriculum assignment from a student’s development plan, use one of the other statuses, or find a way to remove the user from the Position that is assigning the module to them.


Grant an Incomplete

Granting an incomplete will show on student's Development Plan, Reports, and Details as Incomplete.  You must click on a checkbox acknowledging that you are granting an Incomplete for a student's module.


When modifying an assignment’s status, you may notice that you may be restricted from granting certain statuses or will see messaging that you otherwise would be restricted if you weren’t using the Enterprise Administrator role (see below). These limitations are set in Learning Module Administration on the Information tab for each individual learning module.


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