Accessing Leaderboards as a Student

Cognition Knowledge Base

Accessing Leaderboards as a Student

Leaderboards are a way to foster friendly competition between locations, regions, and divisions.

Users earn points for their location by completing assignments on time.

Extra points may be awards by scoring highly on tests and passing tests on the first try.

Users can access their Leaderboards from the Leaderboards widget on their dashboard:

On the Leaderboards page, users will see a list of locations in their region.

Rank is determined by a combination of average points scored and the percentage of Learning Modules completed.

The user's location is highlight green. The Modules and Rules for the Leaderboard can be seen by clicking at the top right.

In the upper left, users can click to go up a level, and clicking a row in the Leaderbooard will go into that Division/Region.

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