Cognition Knowledge Base
Group DPA
Group DPA allows you to perform Development Plan Administration on a large number of students for a single module at a time.
Table of Contents
To begin, click the 'Learning Management' menu at the top of the page and select 'Group Development Plan Administration'.
Creating a Group DPA Job
On this page, click the green 'Add New' button on the right of the screen and select 'Add Standard Group DPA Job'
Step 1 of 7
On this page, you will need to enter a Job Name, Job Description, and Email address.
For the Job Name, make it something easily identifiable, such as 'Group 4 assignment' or 'Exemption for class A1'.
For the Job Description, make sure you describe why you chose the Job Name:
- Job Name: Group 4 assignment
- Job Description: Students will need to complete the attached assignment in order to receive their daily credit.
Wizard Mode
This setting determines what action(s) will be taken for all users.
- Make or Modify Assignments
- Grant Progress to Existing Assignments
- Make or Modify Assignments, Then Grant Progress
Target Learning Module
This is Learning Module that will be administered
Step 2 of 7
On this page, click the 'Select Students' button. You can then search for students using various filters, and add them to your desired list.
After you are finished selecting students, click the 'Finish' button at the bottom of the page.
Step 3 of 7
On this page, narrow down the list of students to those only who have completed the selected module(s) by clicking on the 'Add Filter Learning Module(s)' button.
Step 4 of 7
On this page, look over the list of students and remove individuals you do not want to modify.
*The list of students includes assignment information. There is also a 'Selection Options' box on the left of the page that allows you to make bulk selections.
Step 5 of 7
*This step is only available if you chose to make or modify assignments on step 1.
If you are making or modifying assignments, here you select settings that determine how to set properties of the assignments and how to handle existing assignments.
Step 6 of 7
*This step is only available if you chose to grant progress on step one
When granting progress, you must first select the progress status, then give a reasoning for that status and finally give a completion date.
Step 7 of 7
This is the final review page. Look over your past choices in settings and then hit 'Finish'.
On this final page, you will also be presented with a 'Results' section. This will tell you the results of tests for each student that you have selected.
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