Performance Check-Ins

Cognition Knowledge Base

Performance Check-Ins

Performance Check-Ins are an additional add on feature to the Goal Setting Process. Check-ins help drive conversations between managers and associates on performance and goal progress throughout the year. They can help promote success and document conversations and outcomes that make evaluations easier.

Example of a Performance Check-In

Creating a Check-In Template

To create a new Check-In template, first go to the Performance Review page under the HR menu.

Underneath the More Options button, select Check-In Templates.

From the Check-In Templates page, click the green Add New button in the top-right corner.

To create a template, fill out the following fields:

  • Name: This will be the name of the Check-In Template. This will show to admins when they are searching through available templates to add to Performance Reviews.

  • Administrator Notes (optional): add any notes about this template that may help you and other admins organize this template.

  • Completion Instructions: These instructions will show to a manager when they first make a check-in. They should help guide the manager on how to complete the particular check-in, instruct them on what things to consider, and let them know what the expected process is.

    • Example: “Please complete the check-in below and then share this information with the associate.  As soon as you acknowledge the form, the associate will be able to see the check-in in their profile.”

  • Associate Completed Instructions (optional): These show to the associate once a check-in has been submitted and is complete. This could have contextual information or instruct the associate on what to do now that they have this feedback to continue working on their performance.

  • Supervisor/HR Completed Instructions (optional): These instructions show to the manager and any HR team member once a check-in has been submitted and is complete. This could have contextual information or instruct the manager on what to do now that feedback has been completed to continue working with the associate.

Example of instructions on a Check-In

Once you are done, select Add Template.

Adding Questions to a Check-In Template

To add questions to the check-in form, select the Questions tab at the top of the Check-in page.

On the page, select Add Question.

In the pop-up window, fill out the following fields:

  • Name: This is the label that will show on Check-in reports

  • Instructions: This is the question text that will show to the manager. You may use Markdown in this field to add text styling such as bolding or italics as well as hyperlinks to other resources or web pages.

  • Placeholder Text: This is the gray placeholder text that will show to the manager to help guide them on what to fill out.

  • Character Limit: This is the number of characters a manager is allowed to type in their answer.

  • Required: This determines if the manager must answer this question or if they may leave it blank.

Click Save once done.

Editing Check-In Questions

Click Edit next to the question that you would like to update any of the question settings. To reorder the questions, use the Reorder Questions button at the bottom of the page.

Note: If you are making changes to the instructions or the questions of a check-in template that is currently being used in a performance review, any changes you make will not be reflected by in-progress drafts. Changes will only show on new drafts that are created after the template changes were made.

Adding a Check-In to a Performance Review

Once your template has been created, it can be used in Goal Setting for Performance Reviews. To add a check-in, first go to the Performance Review page and click on the Workflow tab.


At the top of the Workflow tab is a section for Performance Check-Ins. Fill out the following settings and schedule your Check-ins.

  • Enable Check-ins: Controls whether or not Check-ins are available and show for this Performance Review.

  • Check-in Options: Determines when and to who completed check-ins will show.

  • Section Name: Controls the header of the Performance Check-ins section on an Associate’s performance page. This automatically defaults to “Performance Check-Ins”

  • Schedule: This will show any scheduled check-ins and allows you to add in new check-ins to the schedule.

  • Acknowledgement Signature Box Label: Controls the header of the acknowledgement signature box. This automatically defaults to “Supervisor/HR.”

  • Acknowledgement Box Verbiage: Controls what the verbiage is that shows within the acknowledgement box.

Add a Check-In to the Schedule

Multiple check-ins may be scheduled for a performance review and can be made available for certain time frames. To add a new check-in, click the “Add Check-In” button underneath the Schedule option.

  • Select a Template from the drop down for this check-in.

  • Enter a Name for your check-in. This will show to managers and associates.

  • Enter a Time Frame during which this form will be available to managers.

You may also customize any of the instructions for this scheduled Check-in if they need to differ from what was entered in the template. To customize the instructions, you can either start typing in one of the instructions text field or use the Copy Here icon to copy the template instructions and start editing them.

When you are done, be sure to Save your work by scrolling down to the bottom of the window and hitting save.


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