
Cognition Knowledge Base


An audience is a collection of users that can be used to target announcements to specific users. It is possible that you may want to deliver messages to all, or just a subset, of your users and you can do that with audiences.

Creating an Audience

To create an audience navigate to the Administration menu and under “Social” select “Audiences.” Click the green “+” to add a new audience.

You will give the audience a Code and Name, and enter in Administrator Notes with details about the purpose of this audience that can later be referenced.

Next, you will select the filters that make up your needed Audience. You may filter users by Division, Roles, and Position. Ask yourself the following questions when making your selections:

  • Divisions - Do you want to send this announcement out to your Field or Corporate employees?

  • Roles - Do you want this announcement to go out to Supervisors or Instructors?

  • Positions - Do you want to send this announcement out to an existing filtered position?

To set values for any filter, use the drop-downs to search and select values. Make sure to click the green “+” button to add each value.

Audience Curators

Curators are users that you select to manage announcement content for this Audience. Once your audience is created, you will find a “Curators” tab where you can search for and select users using the dropdown. In order to be a curator for an audience, a user must first be a Curator for an Announcement Channel.


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