To begin, you will first need to create a new Performance Review. Once created, you will then finish filling out the Information Tab.
To add a new Performance Review, click the Add New button on the Performance Review page.
Fill out the Information section, this table includes all of the fields within the Information section, along with descriptions for each field.
Field Name | Description |
Code | Internal code for your organization. Only seen by Admins. Ex. “CompanyName_Year_PerformanceReview” |
Name | The name of the evaluation process. This will show on the Admin Dashboard to managers and reviewers. Ex. “2021 Dept Manager Evaluation” |
Goals Tab Name | This shows on an associate’s Goals/Performance page as the name of the goals tab when the evaluation is in Goal Setting mode. Ex. “2022 Goals” |
Performance Review Tab Name | This shows on an associate’s Goals/Performance page as the name of the review tab when the evaluation is in Performance Review mode. Ex. “2021 Dept Manager Evaluation” |
Period | Performance Periods help ensure that associates only get one Performance Review per Performance Period. |
Report Groups | Report Groups are a way to easily filter and group Performance Reviews when using the Performance Review Status Report. |
Status | This will show the current status of the Performance Review. All reviews start in Goals mode and will switch to Performance Review once triggered. |
Enable Goals Workflow | The goals workflow is an optional workflow that adds additional options to the associate’s goal setting process. When the goals workflow is used, you can:
Add New Users | Allows for new associates to be added through HR groups. Unchecking this means that no new associates will be added to the Performance Review process even if they are added to the HR group. |
Enable Supervisor Delegation | Allows supervisors to be delegated from the Performance Grid during the Performance Review. |
Performance Review Template | ??? |
Access to Goals Tab | Controls whether all associates in the system have access to this review on their Performance page or whether access is limited to just those in the Performance Review. |
Goals/Review/Meetings Tips URL (Optional) | To hyperlink to a tips resource or URL, use these settings. Note that the same URL is seen by all roles in the process so avoid putting any sensitive information into the resource. If you need to hyperlink to a document that is specific to just one role, use markdown in the instruction text for that role.
Review Locked Text | This text will show to an associate when they are unable to edit their review because it is currently being evaluated/reviewed by another user. |
Overview Section | This text will display to associates at the top of the Performance Review. It can be used to show more metadata about the associate including their hire date, job code, etc. |
Is Active | This controls whether or not the Performance Review is active or inactive. |
Show in History | This will move the Performance Review into the History tab. We recommend using this feature for older, completed reviews to help keep the focus on the latest reviews. Items in the History tab can be accessed and reviewed by the associate and their manager. |
3. Click Add Performance Review.
4. Once the Performance Review has been created, the Information Tab will show you the settings you selected upon initial Performance Review set-up, with a few updated sections to note:
The Status section now displays a status summary of all of the associates in the Performance Review. You will return to this tab and click Start Performance Review when ready to move a Performance Review from Goal Setting mode to Performance Review mode.
Show on Dashboard – To make a Performance Review link appear for select reviewer groups, check or uncheck the groups that you want the link to show to. This will add a link to their Admin Dashboard.