Add review workflow steps including associate self-reviews, supervisor reviews, and HR steps
Manage permissions for reviewer groups to determine what actions they can take on the review
Add Due dates for various steps
steps that
will show
in the timeline
Info |
For more information on setting up Performance Check-ins or enabling the Goal Workflow, please see these articles: |
Info |
For more information on setting up Performance Check-ins or enabling the Goal Workflow, please see these articles: |
Table of Contents |
Determining Your Workflow
Before completing the settings on this page, it is useful to consider the following questions to help determine what configuration you will need for your review. If you are having trouble determining what’s right for your review, reach out to your Cognition Service Representative!
Does the Associate need to fill out a self-evaluation?
Are multiple levels of review needed either from managers in the associate’s pyramid or from special reviewer groups?
Will HR need to complete a review of the supervisor’s responses?
Will data from other systems or compensation data need to be included and communicated to the associate at the time of the performance meeting?
Associate Self Review
These settings determine which fields are shown and are required for the associate to fill out during their self-evaluation. If you do not need to enable the Associate Self Review, uncheck this and continue on to the next section!
Field Name | Description |
Enable Associate Self Review | When checked, the associate will be required to do a self-evaluation. Unchecking will remove the self-evaluation step. |
Overall Rating [Hidden/Manual/Calculated] | This determines if the associate is required to give themselves an overall rating on their performance. There are 3 options for this setting:
Accomplishments Field [Hidden/Optional/Required] | Add an open text field for the associate to describe their accomplishments in their overall evaluation. If required, the associate will not be able to submit without filling this field out. |
Opportunities Field [Hidden/Optional/Required] | Add an open text field for the associate to describe their opportunities in their overall evaluation. If required, the associate will not be able to submit without filling this field out. |
Focus Next Year Field [Hidden/Optional/Required] | Add an open text field for the associate to describe their focus for the next year in their overall evaluation. If required, the associate will not be able to submit without filling this field out. |
Comments Field [Hidden/Optional/Required] | This displays a comments field in the overall evaluation section for the associate to provide comments on their overall performance. To control comments on individual goals, use the Evaluation controls on the Goals Tab. |
Associate Self Review Label Settings
Field | Description |
Associate Timeline Signing Label | This label will show in the associate’s timeline underneath the marker for the sign-off step. This will default to “Sign Offs”. |
Management Timeline Signing Label | This label will show in the management timeline underneath the marker for the sign-off step. This will default to “Sign Offs”. |
Management Sign Off Box Label | This controls the label that appears above the Management Sign off box. It will default to “Supervisor/HR”. |
Due Date | This will show in underneath the step in both the management and the associate timelines. |
Effective Date | This date determines when the results of the review become effective. |
Refusal Witness Required | Checking this will require a witness to be designated when an associate refuses a meeting acknowledgment. [Include Screenshot] |
Refusal Confirmation Text | This is the message that will show when a supervisor indicates that an associate has refused to acknowledge their Performance Meeting. The message will default to the following: By pressing "Confirm," I am stating that I had a meeting with this associate regarding their Performance Review and the associate refused to acknowledge this meeting. I understand that I may be contacted regarding this refusal. |
Note: Remember to click the Update button after completing your edits to make sure they save.