Adding and Removing Users to your Performance Review

Cognition Knowledge Base

Adding and Removing Users to your Performance Review

To start adding users to your Performance Review, you’ll need to first set up your Global HR Groups. Global HR groups allow you to group and organize associates as well as assign HR managers to manage those groups. To learn more about creating and managing HR Groups, click here.

Adding HR Groups

Once your HR Groups are made, you can add them to your Performance Review by clicking on the Users tab.

To add a new HR Group, use the selector at the top of the page to search for and select your HR Group. Then click the Green Plus button to add the group.

Removing HR Groups

To remove an HR Group from your Performance Review, click on the Circle Options Menu and select Remove Group.

Note: Removing an HR Group from the Performance Review will move all users to the Ungrouped status and they and will no longer be able to see/access that Performance Review. The form itself and any performance data can still be accessed and recovered by Admins unless they elect to permanently delete the data.

Editing an HR Groups

If you need to add or delete users from a Global HR Group, you must edit the Group. To do so, click on the Circle Options Menu and select Edit Group. For more instructions on adding or removing users from an HR Group, click here.

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