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OJT modules can be configured to automatically submit to the reviewer with no involvement from the student. With this setup, the student does not need to submit the OJT to start the workflow and the OJT process begins with the reviewer.
Automatic Submission Timing
Automatic submissions can be set to submit on assignment, or a pre-set number of days before the module due date. Automatic submissions are processed daily as part of the system nightly task so could take up to 24 hours to process after the assignment is made.
Screenshot of due date setting
On assignment: Automatic submissions are made based on when the user receives an assignment.
Days before due date: Automatic submissions are made a certain number of days before the user’s module due date. Make sure this number is less than the “Days to Complete” in the module Assignment settings. To submit on the due date, this should be set to 0 days.
Discourage suggested assignments, especially with "Days before due date”
0 days before due date to submit on due date
Reviewers should have email addresses so they are aware of new submissions
Highly recommend to set up as approve only or approve and decline and close only. (No return to student)
Email for errors
Definitely should set up
Set EAs, or at least someone with submission administration and has scope over the users
How to resolve
Supervisors - fix supervisor
Reviewers, make sure reviewer settings and scope are correct
If submitted already, re-assign
Process happens daily, so may need to wait.
Or could initiate (and then re-assign) if that's enabled.
Reviewer is inactive. Or reviewer is no longer eligible to review this submission. (Position change, scope change, role change)
Other settings
Turn off publishing / disable elective