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Cognition now has Public Landing Pages , alternate login pages that can display a hero image, show announcements, and can be users to view specified are custom pages where users can log in, view announcements, or even view training content without logging in. You can create multiple landing pages for different audiences within your organization. Administration for Public Landing Pages is found near the bottom of the Administration menu. (Please contact Reflection Software about licensing this feature.)

Table of Contents

Adding a New Landing Page

Only a name and optional description is required to create a Public Landing Page.  Any changes from the default settings are set by editing an already existing landing page.

Information Tab

Almost all of the text/titles on a landing page are set on the 'Information' tab.  The 'Trending Now' section has its text/title set on the 'Trending Now' tab.  You can also set the 'Hero Image' on this tab and enable or disable different layout features.  You can activate or deactivate a Public Landing Page with the checkbox at the bottom of this tab. In this case, all layout features are enabled and all the text/titles have placeholder text. You can edit the URL for the landing page by clicking 'Edit'.  Finally, you can enable or disable announcement auto-scrolling and set the delay timerHere is where you can set basic information, select what features are included, and customize some of the text that displays.

  • Landing Page Name and Description - Information for Landing Page administrators only.
  • Landing Page URL - This is the URL that will be given to users to access the landing page. You can edit the end of the URL and enter your own alphanumeric string.
  • Header Title and Sub Title - Customize the text that displays at the top of the Landing Page.
  • Logo Image URL - Set the logo image (The image needs to be hosted in an accessible directory.)
  • Login Box Title - Customize the text that at the top of the login box.
  • Display Hero Image - Upload and crop a large banner image to show near the top of your Landing Page.
  • Display Announcements - show/hide the Announcements section. (See below section about Announcements tab.)
    • Announcements auto-scrolling - choose whether the Announcements section automatically scrolls between announcements and set a delay.
  • Enable Public Catalog - show/hide access to a catalog search. (See below section about Public Catalog tab.)
  • Display Dashboard Courses - show/hide Dashboard Courses section. (See below section about Dashboard Courses tab.)
  • Display Trending Modules - show/hide the Trending Now section. (See below section about Trending Now tab.)
  • Active - Uncheck this to disable access to the Landing Page.

With the above settings, this is how the Landing Page would look to the end user:

Announcements Tab

On the 'Announcements' tab, Here you can search for and select what announcements to display on your public landing page Public Landing Page using the drop down box.   Clicking the 'Reorder Announcements' button will allow you to click and drag to change announcements into the order announcements appear in on the carousel.Image Removedyou want them to appear.

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Note for Video Announcements: Not all Root URLs are usable with Public Landing Pages.  If you are seeing "Access Denied" error messages when trying to view a Video Announcement from a Public Landing Page, try using a different Root URL.  If you are unsure which Root URL(s) to use, contact your project manager.

Public Catalog Tab

On the 'Public Catalog' tab, Here you can select which modules to display on your Landing Page.  Compliance, eLearning OJT/SS, and Video modules are supported.  For Compliance and eLearning modules, users can view documents related to the modules.  For Video and eLearning, users can view the content without logging in and receive credit for completing the modules.  Credit is received by either entering credentials immediately after completion, or by saving a completion code, which can be redeemed on the student dashboard at any time.  You can also get the 'Deep Link' (a direct link to the content) on this page.

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Trending Now Tab

If you checked the 'Display Trending Modules' box on the 'Information' tab, then a 'Trending Now' section will appear on your landing page.  The order in which modules and announcements appear in that section is determined by the total public and private views by default ('Rank').  If you do not want a module or announcement Learning Modules users can find from the Landing Page. The following module types are supported:

  • eLearning - Users can view the course and have the option to redeem credit after completion
  • Video - Users can view the video and have the option to redeem credit after completion
  • Compliance - Users can only view documents. They cannot sign off.
  • On the Job Training - Users can only view the form. They cannot submit.
  • Self Study - Users can only view the form. They cannot submit.

See the below section on completing modules for credit for more information on how that works with Landing Pages.

Also note that you can get retrieve a direct link to each Learning Module on the Landing Page.

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Note for eLearning and Video modules:   Not all Root URLs are usable with Public Landing Pages.  If you are seeing "Access Denied" error messages when trying to launch a Video or eLearning from a Public Landing Page, try using a different Root URL.  If you are unsure which Root URL(s) to use, contact your project manager.

Trending Now Tab

The 'Trending Now' section of a Landing Page shows a ranked list of content with the most views in a recent period of time. It automatically shows active announcements and content in the Public Catalog.

You can select the timeframe for how far it should look back to tabulate views (between 1 week and 1 month) and set how many items show. The title for the 'Trending Now' section is also set on this tab.

You also have some manual control of the ranking:

  • If you do not want an item to appear in 'Trending Now', use the
dropdown box
  • drop-down and select 'Never'.
  • If you want
  • an item to always appear at the top, select 'Pinned'.
  • The order of pinned modules and announcements is set by using the text boxes under 'Rank' at the left.
  • Simply enter numbers for all pinned modules and click 'Apply Pinned Order'.
  The 'Trending Timeframe' dropdown box can be used to select the period of time for which views are counted, between 1 week and 1 month.  The title for the 'Trending Now' section is also set on this tab.  You can export the trending now data to Excel for this page.  Sample output can be seen below.Image RemovedImage Removed

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Dashboard Courses Tab

On this tab, you can control which Dashboard Courses Collections appear on the landing page.   By default , all Dashboard Courses with at least one module in the Public Catalog will appear.  Check the boxes at the far right to hide them, then be sure to click 'Update'.  This will only hide the Dashboard Course from appearing in the Dashboard Courses section of the landing page.  All content in any hidden Dashboard Courses will be accessible from the Public Catalog, but you can choose to hide certain Dashboard Courses by checking the box at the right and clicking 'Update'.

Completing Modules for Credit

Video and eLearning modules can be completed for credit from Public Landing Pages.   When either a users completes one of these module types are completed, you they will see the popout modal pop-up below. 

There are two ways to receive credit.  You can either enter credentials right on the modal and receive credit immediately, or use the redemption code.  If you do not wish to write down a redemption code, you have the option of having it emailed to you.  You will not receive credit for modules you have already taken that do not allow retakes, or for which you have already reached the maximum number of retakes.

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If you wish to use a redemption code, login and navigate to the student dashboard.  At the bottom, select :

  • The user can enter their login credentials receive credit immediately
  • The user can save a redemption code and enter that later when they log in. (They can write down the code or have it emailed to them.)

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Redemption codes can be used on the student dashboard at the bottom on the 'Redeem' tab.   Enter The user should enter the code and click 'Redeem' and the completed module will be added to your history.  Each redemption code can be used only oncetheir history.