Test Directions are instructions that will show to the student upon launching the Test. There is default language set, but you are able to customize it.
Passing Score is strictly set at the Test level.
Test Behavior has two three different options to choose from. Be aware that some choices are not available on certain types of Learning Modules.
Test behavior will only grant a completion if the passing score is achieved. The Test behavior may be used on all types of Learning Modules except for Profile Collection.
Survey behavior is similar, but there is no score given to the student. However, Administrators can still view user scores. The Survey behavior is available on all Learning Modules except for Profile Collection and Instructor Led Training (ILT).
Pre-assessment behavior can be used to gauge a student’s knowledge without the pass/fail requirement. Students can answer “I Don’t Know” for questions and no score is shown to the student. Administrators can still view the user’s actual score and responses. This option is only available for Test Only modules.
Allow Test Out and Allow Test Out for Retakes controls whether users can take tests to skip going through the main content.
Failed Attempts Before Forcing Content lets you set how many tries a user has to test out before being forced to go through the main content. If this is set to 0, a user has unlimited attempts.
Only Allow One Attempt Per Day limits a user to only take the test once a day until they pass.
Failed Attempts Before Lockout controls how many times a user can fail a test before being forced to wait and how long they have to waitthey are locked out and must contact a supervisor to release the lockout. If this is set to 0, the setting is disabled.
Lockout Auto Release Days controls how long before the lockout lastsis automatically released. If this is set to 0, a supervisor must manually reverse the lockout.
Attempts Granted with Max Attempt Lockout Reset lets you set a different number of attempts after a lockout reset.